March, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW 145 To Emergency Fleet Corporation Shipbuilders Installing Turbine Units N O TI C E From the time of its introduction the ] COS BAROMETER became a fav- orite and is mow in use on hundreds of ships and plants. Scale fully compensated for tempera- ture, thereby eliminating all corrections, un- The McNab “LOGOMETER” is an instrument avoidable. with specially designed for, and is highly approved by, Mercury Col- the Engineering Section of the Emergency Fleet ee Barom- Corporation for installation in the Engine Room a under Tyeos Aneroid Engine Room, or Gauge Board, Technical Order No. 104. || | “°""" After long years of conscientious effort in perfecting Aneroid Baremitast, we developed the Sees Engine Room Barometer here illustrated. This imstru- ment is producing gratifying results thruout the marine field. Its Le Sa a For particulars apply to is of the same high grade as exacted and universally used by the U. S. Weather Bureau and the U. S. Navy. THE McNAB COMPANY, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. |] - Write us today for full detaile. Taylor Instrument Companies - Rochester, N.Y. There’s a Dyeos and Taylor Thermometer for Every Purpose. 302 FORD & GEIRRINE, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. THOS. DREIN & SON COMPANY Established 1866 WILMINGTON, DELAWARE We are sole builders of Patent Beaded BottomMetallicLifeBoats, LifeRaflsandWooden Boatsofallkinds. Outfits for Lake Steamers a specialty Ritchie Liquid Compass STANDARD the World over And used exclusively in U.S. Navy for over 40 years. Magnets for adjusting purposes. 250 HURON ST. BROOKLYN, N.Y. Ask your Dealer for the ‘‘Ritchie’’ E.S.RITCHIE & SONS, Brookline, Mass.,U.S.A. WE ARE SPECIALISTS TAPERED or BEVELED LINERS or FILLERS for SHIPS IRVING IRON WORKS COMPANY, Long Island City, N. Y. MAKERS OF [RVINGS GS SUE IESWAY GRATINGS THE RETICULATED KIND | Please mention THe Marine Review ces writing to ‘Abbe