March, 1919 THE MARINE: REVIEW OD Occ EFFICIENCY SPEED ECONOMY. McBRIDE (Patented) Hydraulic Ship-Plate Tightener IMPROVED MODEL ‘Is all the Name Implies’’ Substantial, Takes all the Spring Self Contained, oe Proven 4 One Man and helper now do the work formerly requiring Portable Twenty Men WEIGHT, 50 POUNDS For use especially on Difficult Pulls in any place and in every place where plates are to be pulled together MEASURES, Over all 22 Inches A Perfect Tool NO. 5 EXERTS 20 TON PRESSURE ‘Adopted by all the Ship- yards on the Pacific Coast NO. 6 EXERTS 60 TON PRESSURE BY ONE STROKE OF THE HAND An Absolute Necessity Prices on Application SHIPBUILDERS MACHINERY CO., Inc. Manufacturers and Distributors 201-2 MAYNARD BUILDING SEATTLE, WASHINGTON = MMMM Please mention THE MARINE REvIEW when writing to Advertisers