March, 1919 ELECTRIC WELDING We go Right to the Job! We are welding specialists. With our complete welding equipment on a motor truck, we are able to go any place that we are called. Prompt Service Reasonable Prices We also specialize in BOILER MAKING in all its branches PIONEER BOILER WORKS Bruce M. Wright, Mgr. Bard and Merchant Sts. PORT HURON, MICH. We Wty THE FLAG SIGN that Guarantees SERVICE The flag of the Vikings—The Raven—was Ww Ww the first flag brought to this continent. The flag of Betsy Ross—Thirteen Stars—was the first flag of our country. This sign on a flag means the ambition of the pioneer and the honest purpose of our forefathers in flag construction, workmanship and quality. It will pay every user of good flags to remember this sign when purchas- ing—a real guarantee of quality and satisfaction. Not only is it the most serviceable flag for the Yacht and Power Boat owners, but for any purpose for which a flagis used. We are makers for the Army and Navy—our experience and facilities embrace special designing for trade-marks and private use—Merchant Marine flags, Signal Flags, etc. If you have any kind of flag requirements, write us at once—prompt in- formation and economical prices. BETSY ROSS FLAG CO., Inc. NEWBURGH, N. Y. Woven Steel Hose & Rubber Co. Trenton, N. J., U.S.A. Write for particulars for any style of Armored Hose Armored Hose for all purposes. Pneumatic Tools, Oxy-Acetylene Welding out- fits, Tube cleaners. THE MARINE REVIEW 155 Thermit Weld on S.S. ‘‘J. J. H. Brown.’ The Use of Thermit for Marine Repairs Broken stern frames, rudder frames, connecting rods, rudder stocks, crank shafts, tail shafts, and many other similar sections can be repaired very quickly and easily with Thermit. A stern frame can be welded in place without keeping the vessel out of service more than two or three days. Worn rudder stocks can be built up or new sections can be welded on. Write for Pamphlet No. 3440, which gives full particulars. If you are ina hurry wire or telephone our nearest office. METAL AND THERMIT CORPORATION (Successors to Goldschmidt Detinning and Goldschmidt Thermit Co.) Equitable Bldg., 120 Broadway, New York City 7300 So. Chicago Ave., Chicago 1427 Western Ave.. Pittsburgh 329-333 Folsom St., San Francisco 15 Emily St., Toronto, Ont. COMPACT STURDY STRONG SIMPLE RELIABLE These ae the good points that have ae era made Dake Steam Steering Type “CS” with Double Hand Wheel Gears the most popular in their field. are a few. of There is nothing complicated about a “Dake Gear’’. Their simplicity of design has eliminated all delicate springs and complicated mechanisms so common to this type of machine. The improved DAKE reversible engine used on the gears has made this simple con- struction possible and insures unequalled dependability. Write for complete catalog of Marine Auxiliary Ma- chinery—Steering Gears, Windlasses, Capstans, etc. DAKE ENGINE COMPANY Grand Haven, Michigan, U.S. A. Chicago Agent: J. E. Chisholm, Ry. Exc. Bldg. New York Agt.: H. L. Drullard, 30 Church St. Please mention THe Marine Review when writing to Advertisers