March, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW DRAWING PENCILS THAT HOLD THEIR POINTS To give satisfactory service, drawing pencils should contain lead that will hold its point as long as pos- sible, and not flatten out after a few strokes. By using the best quality of lead, compressed and inserted in selected, straight-grained wood, we have evolved the “CRITERION” DRAWING PENCILS in a number of degrees, hard and soft. The lead in these pencils is uniform and free from grit, and by its superior efficiency has satisfied every user. More reasonable in price than any other pencil of this kind. “DETAIL DRAWING” PENCILS Cannot be equalled for making shop and other detail drawings. The lead is of a peculiar blend, and will wear long, giving complete satisfaction at a low cost. You cannot judge them until you have used them. Send for samples and prices. NEW YORK BLUE PRINT PAPER COMPANY 102 Reade St., Y New York City LIFE PRESERVERS Cork Cushions, Fenders, Cork Ring Buoys **Ye Oldest Cork House in America’’ ESTABLISHED 1865 JUSTUS BRAUER @ SON 129 Arch Street Incorporated Philadelphia, Pa. THE CHASE MACHINE CO. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS Mooring Machines, Deck Winches, Steam Capstans, Etc., Etc. Address 2313 Elm St. N. W. Cleveland, Ohio The Oldman Boiler Works Boilers, Tanks, Stacks, Struc- tural Work and Castings Boiler Repairing Promptly Attended to Day or Night MARINE WORK A SPECIALTY ELECTRIC WELDING Works: 36-40 Illinois Street - - BUFFALO, N. Y. TANK GAUGES DRAFT INDICATORS ELECTRIC WHISTLE OPERATORS PNEUMERCATOR COMPANY, Inc. Send for Catalogue 1326 Park Row Bldg., 15 Park Row New York City | The Bryant Lamp Receptacle For Sea Service Base is of unbreakable moulded composition; no unprotected steel to rustin moist salt air. Double binding screw terminals are pro- vided so that taps may be taken directly off terminal plate without soldered connections in the box. Two receptacles can be mounted in a four-inch round box; and a separate circuit can run through groove of receptacle base. The Insulator, listed separately, is used when necessary to protect the screw shell. Keyless receptacle, switches, fuse | and interconnecting blocks, “Spartan” receptacles and caps —all approved fittings—are in- cluded in the Bryant Marine Line. Write for details. THE BRYANT ELECTRIC COMPANY BRIDGEPORT, CONN. NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO 2052A BERNSTEIN METAL BERTHS offer a complete, practical and efficient line. A berth to successfully meet every condition on board ship. Bernstein No. 5553 Third Class Steerage and Crew Berths Write for catalog No. 17 descriptive of Bernstein Berths, Ship Beds, Bedding and Metal Furniture. Department R 6} 3rd and Allegheny Avenue Philadelphia, Pa. Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers 157