wale THE MARINE REVIEW March, 1919 Ship Yard Equipment Multiple Punches Angle Beveling Machines Angle Planing Machines Roll Tables fi 4 Punching Machinery _ Thomas Spacing Tables THOMAS SP%& CING MACHINE. CO. - 4 Sticcpssor to Standard Bridge Tool Co. ee: PA. Some dates In a fair and square contest it took eight men withghen tools, seven hours to plane 275 sq. ft. One workman with an AIR PLANER in Fee hae planed 385 sq. ft. Just compare these figures: Workmen Hours 8 - - 7 - Va Gee The result means that the one man with the AIR PLANER did more than FIFTEEN TIMES as much work as the average workman with the hand planer. This should be joyous news to every shipbuilder that is serine) to help Uncle Sam turn out his record number of ships in a very record “jy breaking time. AIR PLANERS are already being used in every shipbuilding district in the United States and Canada—and if you wish we can furnish testimonials from reliable concerns. We’re expecting to hear from you soon. SHIPBUILDERS’ PNEUMATIC TOOL CO. ee PORTLAND - - - OREGON Ean ta Peal) ‘ ; Please mention THE MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers