March, 1919 G. OSG AL saves THE MARINE REVIEW 19 OSGOOD joins KELLER! Effective February first, Mr. J. G. Osgood, lately Manager of Pneu- matic Tool Sales for The Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company and for twelve years a member of their sales organization, becomes General Sales and Service Manager of the Keller Pneumatic Tool Company- The Sales and Service Departments have been moved to 20 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, where Mr. Osgood and his staff are now “at home” to friends and acquaintances in the Pneumatic Tool field, and at the service of our customers and pro- spective customers generally. Repair-part require- ments of Chicago users of Keller-Made Master- Built Pneumatic Tools will be supplied direct from Chicago Headquarters. | ; Mr. Osgood’s decision to undertake the direction and extension of the Keller Sales and Service organ- ization, viewed in the light of his long experience and previous associations in the industry, is an endorsement of Keller-Made Master-Built Quality KELLER-MADE PNEUMATIC TOOLS MASTER-BUILT General Sales Offices: 20 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago that no progressive user of Pneumatic Tools can afford to ignore. It is also a definite and dependable guaranty of “Service as good as the tools” —an assurance that Keller-Made Master-Built Pneumatic Tools will be sold right as well as made right, and that our customers from now on will be protected against faulty selection of tools as carefully and competently as they have here- tofore been protected against faulty manufacture. Write or phone Mr. Osgood concerning your re- quirements. He knows the tools you should have, and will see that you get them. At present we are in a position to make prompt deliveries, both of completed tools and repair parts. : <D < w<celle. Pentti KELLER PNEUMATIC TOOL COMPANY, Cutcaco # Granp Haven, USA Factory: Grand Haven, Michigan Please mention THE MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers