March, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW 21, amond’s Greater Efficiency Has Come to Stay UT from the stress of war-time produc- tion emerges a Greater Diamond— A Diamond super-efficient—with tremendously increased capacity—its quality standards yet higher than ever before. Just as the aeroplane industry, under the whip and spur of stern necessity advanced twenty years in two, so has Diamond leaped ahead along the path of progress. Production precedents in every industry have been shattered—new standards have been established. Consider particularly our new Red Belt—a war-time development. This mighty worker has a friction surface of tremendously in- creased gripping power. The cutting down of power wastage due to this tighter erip is one of our big war achievements. Its body is stronger, too—immensely so—but combined with a sinewy flexibility that defies those sud- den shocks and strains that so quickly prove the undoing of ordinary belts. The belt, understand, is RED—anewRED Rub- ber—and its duck is a new and special weave, giving utmost durability. It will do a bigger day’s work for you. It is destined to play a big part in this greater industrial era upon which we are now entering. Don’t be satisfied with pre-war standards— investigate Diamond Goods. The Diamond Rubber Company ( Incorporated ) Factories: Akron, Ohio ir \\ \ NOS Belts—Hose— Packing Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers .