THE MARINE REVIEW Che City of GOOD Soecg UPPOSE that every man, woman and child in Sharon, Pa., for example—suddenly stopped their everyday occupations and started making rubber goods —and you will get a faint idea of the stupendous magnitude of the great Goodrich Rubber Factories. Sixty-three buildings—a city in itself—with its own post-office, restaurants, physicians and fire and police protection. All operating with one fixed idea “QUALITY FIRST.” No less could have perfected this organization—made it more enduring than the very steel that supports its mammoth bulk. Look over the products listed at the right, recognized as the best of their kind all over the world. They represent 50 years Rubber Experience. Our experts are at your service. They will study your individual mechanical needs as conscientiously as if the business were their own. Take advantage of this service. THE B.F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY The City of Goodrich—AKRON, OHIO “COMMANDER” Pneumatic Hose, Steam, Suction, Water, Mill, Boiler Washout, Oil, Acid and Chemical Hose “COMMANDER” Transmission Belts “LONGLIFE” Conveyor Belts “MARATHON” High Speed Belts “WHITE KING” Fire Hose Gaskets, Tubing and Mechanical Rubber Goods of all kinds Wires and Cables Boots and Shoes Tires for automobiles, bicycles, motor trucks and airplanes MELHANIGAL RUBBER GOODE Please mention THE MarRInE Review when writing to Advertisers