THE MARINE REVIEW BUTTTTTTTTUTTITTTTTTOUUUUUTTTVTOTCUUUTTTTVOOUCUUUUCUOTOTUCUUUTTUUTTCQCQUUCUUUUTTTCUUUUULUCUCUIGUUUULUUUILUCLOCHLULLLLLLLLLLLCCLcCLLLLLLLLUL cece Acc. Le On Ships of War All winter, American - built destroyers and submarine-chasers have plied icy seas in sleet and salt spray. Many of these craft have been adequately protected from wind and weather by Murphy Transparent Spar Varnish “the varnish that lasts longest’ This varnish is tough and elastic and bends with the boat’s strain. It never softens or becomes sticky. It makes boats shipshapely and easily cleanable. It does not turn white. Use this seafaring varnish on your own boat. It now costs no more than any high-grade varnish. Murphy Varnish Company Franklin Murphy, jr., President Newark Chicago The Dougall Varnish Company, Ltd., Montreal, Canadian Associate ee ee ee “90 = Sa ee ieee SEE cen pon TEN gg — en ar Sarared Mae en en te eee ear tt et re eee” = OVVUVHTVUUUTHTUUUTTUVUUTTTOUGHTUVUHTI GUHA TOUHTO LOUGH PUGH LUUHGHTULOAA CUA UUUGSOO OUCH LOOUTOPOOUEUUGUHALEGOUPOLLLOLOGLCLLLO THOSE RUE UIDOGLOOHE UCL LLeL EE OoL POVRTTTVETHTTRGTTTTSVETAVOTHTGUVTATOHHTURVOTOLELHIUCOATEVOGUIUOOHITOVITOOOHITUOGITIOOOTITOOHTINUONIVOGTIIOOAOIOGSAIOCOUOVLOGTOIOGHHIILONITOOOTOTOCOVTTLOGHIOOVATOUOAAIUOGLAECOTHVOUGGAOOUCATINUGOTTICONIOOOGIACOGUATLUOGYOTOOGOTIOLENTAOUOTUOUOOLOLOUGHIIDOGIOOOOHHTIOGHHIOLEOIOOHHOLOGOOLLPOATOOLHVLOGOHTLOLOATOLOCOCUOGOSHOOOULAOLOLLYOUOLIUIOOOOOLeOUOALUOGGAOTODODOLUOHHOTOON0TU0 MMM MT Protect Your Canvas With Preservo Every yard of canvas that vessel owners use in their equipment should be treated with PRESERVO. For PRESERVO is the user’s guarantee of satisfactory service and canvas economy—it has stood the test of nearly nineteen years successful service. PRESERVO does everything that a canvas waterproofing should do. It makes canvas really Waterproof—keeps it soft and pliable, and at the same time preserves the fabric. Mildew-proof and Rot-proof Canvas treated with PRESERVO is absolutely proof against mildew and decay, and will, therefore, give much greater service than plain canvas. Actual expe- rience has shown that PRESERVOED canvas wears at least twice as long as untreated canvas. PRESERVO does away with all need for experiment-, ing or taking chances whatsoever when renewing your canvas equipment. Its quality has been proved beyond question. All you have to do is insist upon getting PRESERVOED canvas and you are assured of maximum service and satisfaction. Ask your ship chandler about PRESERVO or write us direct for special literature. ROBESON PRESERVO COMPANY 401 White Block PORT HURON, MICHIGAN Eastern Branch: Canadian Branch: 357 Western Ave., Boston, Mass. Sarnia, Ont. The Hunter-Johnson Co., 311 California St., San Francisco, Cal. Distributors for the Pacific Coast. orice® et 733? pare” an g 308 © Waterproofs and Preserves Canvas ee a Please mention THE Marine Review wien writing to Advertisers MTTTITUTHTNUUCUUNOTONTTTTTTTITITITUCUEUTECOOOTOTTOTTIATIT INIT UUUEUGTOTONTOITTTTITTITTTUTUUUUUUOUOEOOOOONOTIOIITITITIUOUUNUUCOOOOVOONOONITTTIOHTIINTUOTUCUQUOCOOCOTOOOTOOOROOAAAUULUMLUUUUUUUUUUUNCCUUCOOOOOOOUOOUOOOOOMIOOOAOUOOGOOOOLICAOOOOOUOLOLPELLOLLOLICIPLULLULDUULLULALDLIODLUDUULUTLDUOOCOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOUONOTOQOTTOOVVTUNTOITITIIIIICHOTUTUICTONONOGTOTOOTOTON IITA UATIIIUIUIUTTATUUOTOUT March, 1919 PUDUEUEAUDU UTA TEE E TH ET VOVTITOUUNUUEOQSTOCUNIOEUUOOOST OOOO ELST OST DCO EEA ee lls