as 34 THE MARINE REVIEW THE OLD FAMILIAR ALL-RUBBER PUMP VALVE Caves in under pressure, loses proper seat- ing in soft condensing stocks. Must be made thick and heavy to withstand high heats, etc. COMPARE Voorhes ltub-Ste! Valve A UNIFORMLY THIN RUB-— BER DISC, SUPPORTED BY A STEEL CORE With continual level seating, positively no dishing, warp- ing or, separation of rubber and steel. Best for Marine Con- densing. VOORHEES RUBBER MFG. CO. N. Ji Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers TRADE -MARK Coes Ofcbele March, 1919 “GENUINE” Wrench Uncle Sam’s First Aid in Construction Made in 28"-36"-48". This wrench was de- signed to fill the gap be- tween the 2/-inch and the heavy spanner wrench for large work. It will not batter and jam a large nut as will a chain wrench. It will not slip or make trouble and will take any- thing within its opening capacity, no matter whether square or hex- agon. Made of heavy steel forgings, fully hardened, and each wrench tested before shipping, to assure freedom from flaws. In the Key wrench we have the finest engine room tool ever made. It is self contained. The key cannot come off, and the two positions for jaw straps assure. its going into corners without trouble. The wrench 8 Sieident by a special. process, ‘used by Mr. Coes for many years and this process, like -..all the other’ things about this line, is the result of long and earnest experi- . ment. Warranted free from mechanical defects. Pat- ented and registered. _Each wrench stamped with maker’s name, etc. ..28" opens 53", weighs 19 Ibs. 36" opens 64", weighs 28 lbs. 48" opens 94", weighs 62 lbs. Aik Your Jobber jersey Cty | | Coes Wrench Company WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S. A.