40 THE MARINE REVIEW March, 1919” This is a front view of Heine Longitudinal Drum Boilers recently exported to Japan. We also make Heine Cross Drum Boilers. Hundreds of thousands of horsepower of them were built, installed and used in ships that helped win the war. When the war came we met the situation squarely and our marine and stationary war record tells its own story. Special Conditions Our engineering department can adapt Heine Boilers to any special conditions. HEINE SAFETY BOILER COMPANY 5325 MARCUS AVE. T. LOUIS, MISSOURI RIN Designers of Comp) Plans, Sj Manufact Furnace, Fans fittec Engines. : Large stock ensuring qui JOHN "Hudson Ter 1inals, Phe sg et, N yore MONTREAL : - Board of Trade Bldg, oyds Ave., E : 50 Welincon o. Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers