March, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW When the riveted seams on ships, boilers, tanles: etc., become leaky they weld them tight with the Wilson Plastic-Are Welder. The Wilson: Plastice-Are System of welding should be the primary operation, instead of riveting. It makes lasting welds on any metal, and joints welded with’ the Wilson system can be depended upon to stay tight. The Wilson Method requires no preheating (distortion) annealing, consequently no dis- mantling, and makes lasting welds on any metal, in cramped, confined spaces, in the shop or in the open—anywhere a man and a wire can go. Single generating units are built to accommodate from one to eight operators and there is no_ interference between them. There is no oxidation or carbonization, with consequent crystallization, in Wilson Plastic-Are Welds. of the work to be welded is heated by the arc itself and then only to a proper, prede- Only the section termined temperature. The result is a steady even flow of welding metal, in plastic form, insuring lasting welds. Our 24-page booklet, ‘‘Repair of the German Ships’’, describing how the Wilson Plastic-Arc Welder repaired cast-iron cylinders, some of them NINE FEET IN DIAMETER, is ready for distribu- tion. Copies supplied on request. WILSON WELDER AND METALS Co.Inc. 14 Rector Street NEW YORK Please mention THE Marine REvIEW when writing to Advertisers 41 PEIN eR ey ER eee OR TS Oe ON CRT Noe eee Ren tee