THE MARINE REVIEW For many years men in the shops who use tool ol steels have felt an urgent need for information on }} the subject other than what they have acquired by their own practical experience. In turn the steel makers, with the aid of that experience, contributed by the users, together with extensive research work on their own parts, have striven incessantly to produce grades of steel suitable for the various uses to which they are to be put. Carnegie Steel Company. has appreciated the need of users and compiled the pamphlet—Tool Steels. It is written in such a practical manner as to enable the men in the shop to add more to their present knowledge and at the same time enhance their value to concerns in which they are employed. Tool Steels are marketed through Carnegie Ware- houses. Quotations and literature can be had from any Carnegie office. Carnegie Steel Company 464 Frick Building Annex, Pittsburgh, Pa. Cleveland| = CLEVELAND RIVETING HAMMERS Riveter| © FOR SHIP YARDS AND DOCKS The New Cleveland is shorter, hits a harder blow and uses less air in operation than any Riveting Hammer on the market: 3314% gain in efficiency. The new Cleveland is an “Ideal”? Riveter for Ship Yards, Boiler Shops, Structural Work, Etc. The high speed and great power obtained through the Pocket-in-Head makes the New Cleve- land a profitable investment. Capacity \4-inch to 1)4-inch Rivets. CLEVELAND WOOD-BORING & STEEL DRILLING MACHINES For Wood or Steel Cargo Ships The No. 20W Wood-Bor- The No. 20TC steel drilling ing Machine illustrated is Machine is a light weight, well adapted for Ship Con- high speed compound with struction as it is “‘fast”’ and a capacity of 114-in. bor- easily Handled by oneman. ing and 7%-in. Reaming in Made in three Sizes, Nos. steel. It is a very com- 10W, 20W and 30W, with pact, one man machine. boring Capacities 4-in. to We make 61 Types of Air 4-in. in Wood. |. Shipped Drills for all classes of on Approval. work. BOWES AIR HOSE COUPLINGS OVER 1,500,000 IN GENERAL USE Interchangeable in all sizes most commonly used from \4-in. to 34-in. Instantly connected or disconnected. Absolutely air tight Write for Bulletins Nos. 34, 37, 38, 39. THE | CLEVELAND PNEUMATIC TOOL COMPANY NEW YOR MAIN OFFICES AND WORKS, CLEVELAND, OHIO CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH SAN FRANCISCO CLEVELAND PNEUMATIC TOOL CO., OF CANADA, LTD., 84 Chestnut St., Toronto Please mention THe Marine Review when writing to Advertisers