March, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW 57 ESIABLIS HED laggy iit as —— ———— PUBLISHED BY AMERICAN BUREAU OF SHIPPING INCORPORATED 1862 The Standard American Classification of Shipping GREAT LAKES DEPARTMENT (FORMERLY: GREAT LAKES REGISTER) STEVENSON TAYLOR . . PRESIDENT Vice Presidents ANTONIO C. PESSANO FRANK G. MACOMBER WILLIAM H. TODD LOUIS -F.: BURKE re : Sec’y and Treas. JOHN W. CANTILLION This bureau supervises the construc- tion of vessels throughout under established rules—tests all materials for hulls, machinery and _ boilers, and proof tests all anchors and chains, etc. Classification of a vessel is a standard for builders and owners, and the certificate is an authority for . underwriters and__ shippers. GREAT LAKES DEPARTMENT H. N. HERRIMAN, Manager ROCKEFELLER BLD’G. CLEVELAND, OHIO Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers