Stee tee ee ? Ee RC ee et ee 60 3 THE MARINE REVIEW ALABAMA DRY DOCK & SHIPBUILDING CO. PLANT AND GENERAL OFFICES MOBILE, ALA., U.S. A. The Only Plant on the Gulf of Mexico equipped to make Pecans Repairs in All Lines to Steel and Wood Vessels. NOW OPERATING SIX DRY DOCKS, MAXIMUM CAPACITY 4,000 TONS SHIPBUILDING | SHIP REPAIRS STEEL ALL WOOD CLASSES ENGINEERS FOUNDERS ENGINE BUILDERS MACHINISTS BOILER MAKERS ELECTRICIANS PLUMBERS SHIP CARPENTERS HEAVY FORGINGS NEW 10,000 TON DRY DOCK NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN OPERATION IN MARCH, 1919 Cable Address: ‘‘DRYDOCK’’ Today America Calls: Build Ships faster, faster, and even faster’’ Labor is scarce—and any machine that will replace men and increase the speed with which ships are launched helps to solve the great problem of feeding the world. Industrial Works Locomotive Cranes — the result of forty-five years’ experience—are giving depend- able service in the Nation’s shipyards. These cranes are doing their part in speeding construction and freeing men for other work. Unloading freight cars, carrying material about the plant, lifting material and putting it in place on the ways are some of the ways in which an Industrial Works Crane speeds up shipbuilding. Photographs, catalog and full data on these cranes will be gladly sent on request. INDUSTRIAL WORKS Bay City, Michigan New York Office: 50 Church St. Philadelphia Office: Widener Building. AGENTS: C.B. Davis Engineering Co., Birmingham, Ala.; J. G. Mill and Toronto, Ont.; Northwestern Equipment Co., Portland, Ore. er, St. Louis, Mo.; F. H. Hopkins & Co., Montreal ° » and Seattle, Wash.; N. B. Livermore & Co., Sani Francince Gan Steam, Electric and Gasoline-Operated Locomotive Cranes in Capacities from 5 to 160 tons. Please mention THE Marine REVIEW when writing to Advertisers