March, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW ol S. S. ‘Polar Land,’’ Built by Baltimore Dry Docks & Ship Building Co. In War——In Peace ‘‘BALTIMORE”’ ships lead Our equipment consists of three complete and modern shipbuilding plants and two dry docks, 610 x 62 ft., and 437 x 52 ft., with 2214 ft. of water over the sills at low water. We have every facility for handling repairs in the quickest and most economical manner, including two shear legs, capable of lifting 100 and 80 tons respectively, ample crane facilities and the most up-to-date machinery. The Baltimore Dry Docks & Ship Building Co. HOLDEN A. EVANS BALTIMORE, MARYLAND J. M. WILLIS President CABLE ADDRESS—BALTODOCKS, USA V. Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Ss. S. ‘‘Point Lobos’’ Undergoing Repairs in our lower Dry Dock Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers