April, 1919 THE MARINE REVIEW 15 Make Your‘ Own Pris The days of “negotiated” prices, so far as reputable manufacturers are concerned, have long since gone by. A price, nowadays, is a price: it is no longer the starting point for an argument. It is fixed by the seller, and is accepted by the buyer, if " accepted at all, in the expectation and belief that it represents actual cost of efficient production, plus a fair profit. In a broader and better sense, however, buyers still | with them the benefits accruing from the econo- can, and they still do, make their own prices. Forit mies which their patronage helps him to achieve. is buyers, and buyers only, who make possible the : volume of production which is the principal factor The success of the Keller Pneumatic Tool Company pee has been due in‘large measure to our steadfast ad- eee ining the unit costs on which prices must herence to this principle. We exist by and for our customers. Every new customer, and every indi- Many manufacturers, and some of them are inthe _ vidual order we receive, helps us by just so much Pneumatic Tool business, believe prices should be __ to build better tools, and, other things being equal, based exclusively on “the law of supply and de- _to sell them at better prices. mand.” They believe it is right to charge all the traffic will bear, regardless alike of costs and profits. That is why Keller prices are always relatively, and sometimes actually, lower than those asked for com- Much can be said, and much has been said, in sup- _peting tools. They are “made” by our customers— “ port of this view, but I have never been able to the United States Government, the leading Rail- a share it. I have always believed, and I believe now roads and Shipyards, and a constantly-growing s more strongly than ever before, that no manufac’ _ number of representative industrial organizations turer can truly serve his customers unless he shares _ throughout the world. KELLER-MADE DV.9Setkhe. President PNEUMATIC | TOOLS | KELLER PNEUMATIC TOOL COMPANY, Cuicaco & Granp Haven, U.S.A. te bbls at General Sales Offices: 20 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago Factory: Grand Haven, Michigan Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers