572 stant-speed, electric motor made by the General Electric Co: The pumps were made by the Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp. The motors of each ‘unit are located on the main floor of the pump house 55 feet above the dock floor. They revolve at 240 revolutions a minute and are of the vertical type. Eight-inch vertical shafts, supported by thrust bearings at the top of the motors extend some 50 feet downward to carry the pump runners. Each pump has a guaranteed capacity of 1000 gallons per minute. One of the features of particular in- terest in connection with the large dock is the caisson which is used in closing the entrance to the dock. This caisson is a 1600-ton vessel in itself and was built very much as any steel vessel ex- cept that its lines of course are not designed for speed. It is provided with electric pumps which receive their power through a cable from the dock. These pumps make it possible for the boat to be raised or lowered as desired and in this way it is floated to one side for ‘the entrance of the boat and then into position over the sill and lowered in place to permit the dock to be pumped out. It is symmetrical about both axes so that it may be used with either side against the water pressure. Structurally, the caisson consists of steel girders with an outside shell of riveted steel plate. It is ballasted with concrete with space left for the variable water ballast, which is _ fur- nished by the pumps. This caisson, which is the largest caisson ever built in this country and probably the largest in the world, was constructed by the Bethlehem Steel Bridge Corp. after the design of E. N. Kinney of the Massa- chusetts state department of water- ways. In the first test of the dock, the entire equipment worked satisfactorily. With the boat in place on the blocks and the dock completely emptied of water, no perceptible leak could be de- tected either at the caisson joints or the joints in the walls. An improved “diesel engine for the bulk freighters of the Ore Steam- ship Co., running between Baltimore and Cuba has been found successful, according to a statement made by Charles M. Schwab, chairman of the Bethlehem Steel Corp. The engine was designed by Arthur West of the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd., and has been tested out on the Cusore, a 11,669-ton bulk freight carrier. With the return of this ship from a trip to Cuba, Mr. Schwab declared she had consumed only one-third as much fuel as an oil-fired ship of similar type. “It is a great pleasure for me to Ade Test of Diesel Engine s a THE MARINE REVIEW announce that the Bethlehem Steel Corp., and the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd., have perfected a new 2- cycle, fuel-saving marine diesel engine especially designed for American oper- ating conditions and adapted to land use as well as to cargo vessels of any size,” said Mr. Schwab. “In the science and practice of marine engi- neering, this new engine represents a far greater advance over the oil-burn- ing steamship than the latter is over the coal-fired steamship. It is also regarded as a_ signal triumph for American engineering skill in a field hitherto dominated entirely by Euro- peans.” At the time Mr. Schwab was mak- ing this statement, the Transatlantic Italiania was docking one of the larg- WALL SECTION GRANITE CONSTRUCTION SHOWING CONCRETE AND est motorships ever put in at the har- bor of New York. The Italian boat is one of six which this firm has or is building for its service. The Ital- ian ship has two diesel engines of the 4-cycle type developing over 2000 horse- power. hey consume about 10 tons of oil a/day to drive the ship at a speed of}11 knots. ay COPS ime when the American peo- ple have expressed through congress their desire that the American mer- chant marine, built up during the war at a cost of $3,000,000,000, shall re- main on. the. seas,” continued Mr. Schwab, “and shall expand to take care of the commerce of the nation, it is particularly gratifying to be able to say that American inventive . skill has found the means of solving one of the biggest problems that today faces the owner and operator of Ameri- can ships—the problem of - reducing operating costs. “As a commercial accomplishment cal- culated to be of great value especially October, 1920 in developing the American merchant marine, we are naturally proud of this engine. “Bethlehem, which was privileged to play so active a part in the world war, feels the greatest pride in this engine as a contribution to the peaceful prog- ress of civilization. “The development of the new Beth- lehem fuel-saving diesel engine repre- sents two distinct phases of advance in marine engineering: “1For the first time an _ internal combustion, heavy oil engine for either marine or land uses has been perfected which is not only designed and built by Americans, but is built especially for Americans, and is adapted to American operating conditions. “2—For the first time, a 2-cycle inter- nal combustion heavy oil engine has been perfected which produces the same horsepower as a 4-cycle engine practi- | cally twice its size, and is at the same time adapted to large cargo ships while saving two-thirds in fuel cost alone, as compared with steam-driven, oil-fired vessels. “Neither of these developments is the- oretically a new idea. For years, Euro- peans have successfully operated large ships with diesel engines. The achieve- ment of Arthur West, the Bethlehem designer, who is at the head of our power department, is in adapting the 2-cycle engine to American operation and in its perfection for practical use in cargo vessels of any size. “The success of. this engine has al- ready been demonstrated in two ways. It was installed and operated for 10 months as part of the power plant of the Bethlehem Steel Corp. at Bethle- hem, Pa. It was then installed in our new ore-carrying vessel, the CuBoRE, which has just completed on regular schedule time, its: first voyage to Cuba and return. “The operation of the engine at the Bethlehem plant was so successful that we are building another one to take its place as part of the auxiliary power plant for the steel mills. Its opera- tion on the CusorE not only demon- strated its practicability but its remark- able economy. The Cusore made the voyage from Sparrows Point, Md., to Cuba and back without stopping her engines except to come into port and consumed one-third of the amount of fuel oil ordinarily used by her sister vessels fitted with oil burning steam machinery of the usual type when run- ning on this same voyage and at a much greater rate of economy than has been achieved by any other diesel en- gine operated ship of which we have any record. . “We also have in service ships with other types of engines, affording a direct comparison.”