86 THE MARINE REVIEW October, 1920 ha a oe STATIONARY AND MARINE WATERTUBE BOILERS Write for Specifications Bridgeport Boiler Works Co. ESTABLISHED 1865 3 Bridgeport, Conn. Main Floor Showing Boilers Built for U. S. Navy The Wickes Marine Boiler Loa, ae = . cae (a 3 — 5 a a Sm] == __ FORGED STEEL MARINE WATER TUBE BOILERS and SUPERHEATERS for STEAM VESSELS OF ALL CLASSES 3 Million Horse Power for Naval Vessels 3 Million Horse Power for Merchant Steamers. No wrapper sheet. No riveted joints near fie. All rivets driven EXPRESS TYPE BOILERS MECHANICAL ATOMIZING in header with hydraulic riveter. One caulked joint in header (White-Forster) OIL BURNERS vieible at: ail times. : : 3-14 Million Horse Power for 659 Boilers; 5000 Burners; 114 Write for Bulletins—Sent Free U.S Navy Hil. Honk Power THE WICKES BOILER CO. Saginaw Michigan, U. S. A. agape Ps _ The Babcock & Wilcox Co. B 201 D Pittsburg, 1218 Empire Bld Detroit. 1116 Penobscot Blds Chicago, 76 West Monroe St. Seattle, 736 Henry Bldg NEW YORK and LONDON San Francisco. 402 Rialto Bldg. scotch, Leg and Water Tube MARINE BOILERS Unusually prompt shipment of alsa 3 shy fapediorme Boiler Circulating, Wrecking and Dredging Pumps High and Low Head Centrifugal Pumps Kingsford-Stumpf Marine Una-Flow Engines which show remarkable economy KINGSFORD FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS osvigegi”ct SWEGO, N. Y. Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers