120 For Sale FOR SALE—THREE STEEL TUGS 1 Tug 75’ long, 16’ beam, 14 x 16 H. P. Engine 150 lb. Steam. 1 Tug 76’ long, 14’ 4” beam, 14 x 16 H. P. Engine 150 lb. Steam. 1 Tug 80’ long, 16’ beam, 11 x23 x 14 Fore and Aft Compound Engine, surface condenser, 160 Ib. Steam. All suitable for towing or fishing. Also other smaller steam tugs for sale. Write for further information. Address Box 297, THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, 0. MAKE AN OFFER ON A 15-PERSON LIFE RAFT taken from Chief Wawatam on account of reclassifi- cation. Thoroughly equipped and in A-1 condition. THE MACINAC TRANSPORTATION CO., ST. IG- NACE, MICH. COMPLETE STOCK MARINE ENGINEERING SUP- plies for sale. in small quantities. Ashtabula, Ohio. McKinnon Iron Works Co., BOILERS ‘ mhe price of new boilers is prohibitive for small oats. We have on dock Scotch Marine Boilers. 1—12 x 12% —8 Furnaces 1—11¥% x 13 —3 Furnaces 1—l1 x 12 —2 Furnaces 2—10% x 10% —2 Furnaces We have shearlegs and mechanics for prompt in- stailation. LEATHEM & SMITH, T. & W. Sturgeon Bay, Wis. CO., As a whole or will dispose of same — Classified Advertisements BENDING SLAB Bending slab for sale, sections 5 _ feet square, weight 2600 lbs. each—machine surface. Whitehead & Kales Co., River Rouge, Michigan. FOR SALE:—BOATS AND EQUIPMENT OF EVERY description. New and seconds. Large stock. Brook- Le he and Repair Co., 286 Ninth Ave., Brook- yn, N FOR SALE:—175’ STEEL PASSENGER STEAMER. Speed 15 miles; 85’ steel steamer, suitable for tow- ing, fishing or passenger work. 60’ wooden fish tug with a new boiler. Address Box 293, THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, 0. FOR SALE 9 CHRONOMETERS, $275.00 to $400 4 SHXTANTS, $65.00 to $150.00 3 pair MARINE GLASSES, $20.00 to $75.00 LESTER CERF 47-49 Maiden Lane, New York BARGAIN—ELEGANTLY APPOINTED STEAM Lavneh, with cabin; burns coal or wood; can lhe shipped on steamer. G. W. FORD, 30 East 42nd St., New York. October, 1920 Positions Wanted MARINE ENGINEER AND NAVAL ARCHITECT of many years’ experience in all branches of ship- ‘puilding on the coast and Great Lakes desires change to a larger field. Thoroughly familiar with design, cost estimates and superintendence of work. Corre- spondence giving requirements and compensation in- yited. Address Box 292, THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, 0. PORT ENGINEER Position as port engineer by young man with ten years practical experience in steam engineering and machine shop work. Exceptional qualifications in both types of marine turbines. Two years technical educa- tion. Can furnish Al references as to character and ability. Address Box 791, THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, 0. W anted WANTED TO BUY:—A GOOD STEEL OR IRON hull which can be converted into a firstclass sand sucker. Prefer a boat carrying from eight to fifteen himdred tons. Wull must be good iron or steel plate and in first-class condition, for particulars. Ad- dress Box 296, THE MARINE R#®VIEW, Cleveland, WANT TO BUY FAIRBANKS MORSE C-0 MAR- ine Engine—200 HP, four cylinders complete with all fittings including propeller. Hammer Lumber Co.. Wilmington, N. The Marine Review Will Help You when you want to buy or sell a boat or marine equipment of any kind, or if you want an employe or employment. The classified columns of THE MARINE REVIEW offer the best possible clearing house for marine wants. The cost is small and the results always satisfactory. Send us an advertisement for next month’s issue. THE MARINE REVIEW, - Cleveland, Ohio Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers