October, 1920 THE MARINE REVIEW 121 : ie “VICTORY” Back Frost’s Kap ak Red , MANIFOLDS MARINE ee ie Ss. ; Satisfy the Most = ; Exacting Requirements : ;: Bs ae The “VICTORY” Manifolds " The Perfect Bituminous ie ie are made of a special grade ‘ Wes a of cast iron which has been Solution j ‘ < E. found to be especially suit- able for this class of work. a ae Subjected to extremes in HEAT 900° FAHR. ary pressure such as manifolds oh are, YOU cannot be too careful in selecting your Air Equipment. Resists J = The ‘‘VICTORY” line is now : > in use by the largest ship- Acids-Alkali Brine, Electrolysis-Elements se yards in the country; yards that MUST have the BEST, and we have yet to ive the: sli - Used by Leading Shipbuilders and Sas e slightest com Shipowners. Vie “VICTORY” Manifolds are : madewith extra heavy walls in accordance with Navy e ° 3 _ Department specifications. Frost Paint and Qil Co. a MINNEAPOLIS CHICAGO VICTORY EQUIPMENT CORPORATION HAYDENVILLE, MASS. Ulster Foundry Corporation 50 Church Street, New York Manufacturers of Ship Hardware, Hand Power Capstans, _ Bollards Bitts Checks, Cleats, Manhole Jon” Plates, Castings of All Kinds Catalog on Request POWER BENDERS ‘ooe.s" ‘*‘Wonder’’ Cold Pipe Bending Ma- : chines (pat.) open ss operated 250 HURON ST. BROOKLYN, N.Y. to bend from 1 Send for printed matter. We ‘alio manufac- ture TEN other sizes, hand oper- ated to bend from }4" to 6". American Pipe Bending Machine Co. 95 Pearl St., BOSTON, MASS., U.S. A. BITUMASTIC HERMASTIC Registered Trade Mark Registered Trade Mark BITUMINOUS: COATINGS Bilges, Tank Tops, Coal Bunkers, inser Bottom Tanks, Floors, Peaks, Refrigerating Spaces WAILES DOVE — HERMISTON CORPORATION formerly AMERICAN BITUMASTIC ENAMELS COMPANY 17 BATTERY PLACE, NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA CLEVELAND — Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers