40 THE MARINE REVIEW There would be no coal shortage if everybody burned coal on SS —oorrrr Teegs ————————— — LN TT I aE ae OP a ee aa 2 = Soot iain OO A SO eS a ae Wiggling--Shaking--Dumping GRATE BARS Bottom and End View of Bar Showing Structure WHY Isn’t it more logical to clean a fire-bed from the A simple short stroke of the hand-lever removes bottom? A bed of fuel burns upward, leaving the the light dust. A little longer stroke shakes burnt refuse at the bottom. The Thomas Grate out the rock and clinkers. A full stroke dumps removes this refuse without disturbing the fuel bed— the entire contents. Cleaning periods are banished. without producing holes, seams and pockets. For Use With Either Natural, Induced or Forced Draft For Detailed Information Write THOMAS GRATE BAR CO., Birmingham, Ala. Sales Offices: Hippodrome Building, Cleveland, Ohio Oe Railway Exchange Building, Chicago, IIl. 2 Rector St., New York 617 Bienville Street, New Orleans, La. - Please- mention THE Marine REvIEw when writing to Advertisers