68 THE MARINE REVIEW October, 1929 aR a i aii Pa LEADERS | | 55 YEARS ee | 4 This “‘C-O’’ Powered Tug Wins Towing Contest Here is the story as the owners tell it:— “We tied up with them and each boat started from a standing 6 start. The “Herbert” pulled the a e ” about three or four miles per hour. We then tied to the m ” and let her tow the “Herbert” one or two miles per hour down stream. The Cost Little to Operate That is probably one of the reasons why there are over 60,000 MORRIS PUMPS now in use in this country— They are economical Compared with reciprocating pumps, they cost a whole lot less to install than the average—cost less to operate a, a “Herbert” then started up and without difficulty pulled her op- ponent three or four miles per hour in the opposite direction. The“ ”*was powered with a 125 H. P. oil engine and the “Herbert” with a 100 H. P. “C-0” Marine Oil Engine, Simplicity, power and flexibility make “C-O” engines practi- cal power for work / boats. They uselow grade fuel oils eco- nomically, irbanks, Morse & MANUFACTURERS Oil Engines - Pumps - Electric Motors and Generators - Fairbanks Scales CHICAGO Railway Appliances - Farm Power Machinery 6 —occupy less space and are light in weight. Built in a variety of sizes and styles. In thousands of ships MORRIS PUMPS are replacing plunger pumps. They have just one moving part—it revolves in perfect balance. Let us figure on your requirements. Morris Machine Works | Baldwinsville, N. Y. Branches in Principal Cities Builders of Centrifugal Pumps, Hydraul- ic Dredges, Steam Engines Please mention Tur Marine Review when writing to Advertisers