Experts in [his Country and Abroad and freight agent in Canada of the United States Mail line. The J. H. W. Steele Steamship Co. is to furnish steamers to maintain the service formerly rendered by the North German Lloyd between Bremen and Hamburg and New Orleans, Galveston and other gulf ports, as well as from Germany to Cuban and Mexican ports. The Luckenbach line has pur- chased the steamer Marica from the shipping board. ' Victor S. Fox and his associates have received the last of the 12 steamers purchased from the shipping board. Five ships sold to the Green Star line have been recovered by the shipping board, and assigned to their former purchasers for operation. No reason for canceling this sales contract has been given. The Atlantic, Gulf & West Indies line expects to make some developments costing approximately $60,000,- 000, including the building of tankers in this country. Ainong the additions noted in the South American trade are services inaugurated by the Grace line between Baltimore and ports in Chile and Argentina; a service by the Carib Trading Co. between New York and Puerto Colombia, Cartagena, Santa Marta, San Andres, Kingston and Santiago, and a freight service by the Federal Steamship Co. between Pacific ports of the United States and west coast ports of South America. The Compania Sud Americana de Vapores will have a freight and Foreign passenger service from New York Compasien direct to Peruvian and Chilean ports. : The Norwegian South American line Active will have a new service with calls at South American east coast ports, and a Dutch company is said to be plan- ning to connect Santander and other north Spanish ports with New Orleans, Havana and Mexico. The Royal Holland Lloyds are inaugurating a new service between New York and «Amsterdam with the Dutch steamer KENNEMERLAND. Funch, Edye & The Royal Mail Steam Packet (o..-is-to -start a regular pas- senger line from New York to Jamaica, Colon, Cartagena, Co. will be the American agents. Denies Tax Report CCORDING to a recent state- ment made by Admiral Ben- son, reports that the officials of ie in’ eau had SNe He internal slat ee ee ee ee ee = : Se a ees : ¥ Barbados. The ping board accounts with the : bj f checking up income tax Messageries geen ; ae Z = oe Maritimes’ will returns of steamship p ‘ hice a are ungrounded. No request has iene bee de by internal revenue bo Sie oe Ben oe delecaee | nee tc. In authorities for an investigati O fig. Ther Rae the shipping board’s records. Con- siderable interest has been aroused in board circles by the action of revenue officials in New York in seizing the funds paid by Mr. Harriman to the officials of the Kerr Steamship Co. but this is considered a matter in which the shipping board is not concerned. ciated Dutch Shipping Co. is to establish a new line from Rotterdam to Australian ports to be known as the Holland- Australia line. Hugo Stinnes PLAN BIG SHIPS Various American Lines Expect to Let Contracts for Passenger Boats — Pacific Trade, Is Quiet and other wealthy German interests are said to have created the Cie Columbus A. G. at Danzig for the purpose of /carrying on shipping ventures. Poland, however, it is said, will create a merchant marine of its own, the country having purchased 12 steam- ships aggregating 59,396 deadweight tons. Addi- tional steamers are to be acquired in England and the United States. The Transatlantica Italiana and the Soc. Nazionale di Navigazione wili inaugurate a passenger service between Genoa and Valparaiso, via the Panama canal. Norton, Lilly & Co. are booking a passenger service from New York to New Zealand and Australia. The sailings are under the British flag. Lloyd Brazileiro is being subjected to a complete reorganization. Its European services are to be discontinued, with the possible exception of its line between Brazil and Hamburg. It is understood, however, the services to the United States will be increased eniploying 10 of the largest and best vessels owned by the com- pany. The Chilean government is expected to take under serious consideration the advisability of estab- lishing a national marine. The republic of Hayti is said to plan a steamship line with native capital, principally for the sugar export trade. Anticipating an improvement at some near date in the future, American steamship owners are _pro- ceeding slowly with their building programs. Many conipanies have been granted exemptions from the profits taxes because they have contracted with American yards to build new ships, and this provision in the new shipping act will undoubtedly encourage more stich undertakings. The American line, it was announced last month, will shortly let contracts for two 600-foot passenger liners. These are to be 20- knot boats. The Red D line will probably let con- tracts for two 380-foot passenger ships, and the American Ship & Commerce Corp. expects to begin the construction of two 600-foot passenger ships. The New York & Porto Rico line will rebuild the liner Brazos. In sympathy with other markets, freights on the Pacific are weak and Western chartering is inactive. Sailing ves- Market sels are in fair demand but steamers are in ample supply. Conditions in Is Weak general are in a most unsettled state. Charterers are proceeding with cau- tion as many astute followers of the market anticipate further reductions in the near future. During the past month, declines have taken place in several directions. Ail offshore lumber freights have dropped from $2.50 to $5 per thousand and the 33