April, 1923 : MARINE REVIEW 125 AA as Bi LMM |_| es lal ll VAs 16.5 Speed in Knots PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR THE LINERS PRESIDENT HARDING, PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT, PRESIDENT MADISON, PRESIDENT McKINLEY, PRESIDENT WILSON AND PRESIDENT LINCOLN (SEE CURVES PAGES 124 AND 128) tical theoretical values, but rather the men el eee ae Se a sg oes Operating Performance of American Liners er ee ae ee DATA FOR PERFORMANCE STANDARDIZATION 535-FOOT PASSENGER ment and operating personnel working AND FREIGHT VESSELS STEAMSHIP PRESIDENT PIERCE efficiently. : pe ——Knots Mba i 2 ons tue ounds All of the 535-foot passenger vessels z Observed per fuel A Theo- Correction have the following characteristics: — . - R.P.M. ey 24 hrs. Peas ace ree Length over all, feet ..... 535 : ed : Mey Head wind and sea | Breadth, feet .....0566. Sole) 72 ee aC : ee vine and Pepin, Tet seve : teens 50 3. : ‘ 816.7 ; f Moderaretounoers Loaded draft, feet-inches .. 30-7 es oe oe ie Deadweight, tons ......... 11,310 } : ; e756 : 3 . vera Shecd. Riots. .i.0.ce ee 17.5 ; : 7154.8 2.96 Engine....2 Cross compound turbines STEAMSHIP PRESIDENT TAFT : 105.4 568.6 3.93 4.11. 0.9 Fair smooth sea Boilers. ...... 8 Watertube or tubular Smooth to heavy sea The first of these three classes consists of the PresipeENT TAFT, PRESIDENT PIERCE, PresipeNnT GRANT, Pan America, WEST- ERN Word, PRESIDENT CLEVELAND, PrEs- IDENT JACKSON. These vessels are all fitted with similar propellers. ‘The first five were built by the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., and are equipped with Fore River turbines and Yarrow boilers.’ The last two were built by the Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., who also built the turbines for these two vessels. These “have Babcock & Wilcox boilers: “The second class consists of ‘the Prest- DENT Harpinc, PRESIDENT ‘ROOSEVELT, PresipeNt Mapison, Preswint McKin- Average 03 3.8 16.83 134.8 48.9 : 6 0.784 STEAMSHIP AMERICAN LEGION 102.1 599.3 3.73 4 0.768 ; 84 701.5 642.4 718.8 847 Fair smooth sea Heavy sea N. E. wind Moderate aes Mod. to rough sea Moderate sea Mod. H.W. and sea Moderate sea : Light to moderate Strong wind ahead