April, 1923 GUARANTEED MARINE The fixtures illustrated herewith we have in stock ready for imme- diate shipment and at greatly re- duced prices. Order Now! Plate F-688—The folding cabinet lavatory, ad- justable beveled plate-glass mirror; glassware rack; zine reservoir and galvanized iron waste receiver. Lavatory compartment zine lined thru-out with splash front, painted white enamel. Vitro-adamant oval basin with surge rim; two vitro-adamant soap dishes; N. P. brass self-closing faucet; N. P. brass mings. Furnished in polished quartered oak or mahog- any. Dimensions, over all: Width, 18”; height, front to back, closed, open, 23”. Stands on floor of- state- room and has_ space for shoes or toilet articles. Reservoir and waste re- ceiver made of copper if so ordered. (Price upon we De application. ) trim- | 6'0” . : yo MARINE REVIEW 1923 Plate F-1230 We invite all inquiries for these or other fixtures — Our prices are interesting. A. B. SANDS & SON CO.| | 22-24 Vesey St, Central States Agent, tate Wash., Plate F-68 Welin Davits A.B.C. Life Floats New York, N. Y. Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Chicago, Pacific Coast Agents:—Pacific Net & Twine Co., Seattle, Johnson, Joseph & G. M. Josslyn Co., San Francisco, Ca’., Oregon Marine & Fisheries Supply Co., Portland, Ore. Ill. 305 Vernon Avenue Long Island City, N.Y; PLUMBING FIXTURES All orders taken subject to prior sale only—necessary on account of fast diminishing supply of vitreous china and porce‘ain ware. Order Now! Plate F-1230—The “Commercial” closet for above water line. Vitro-adamant _ flush- ing rim oval hopper, galvanized iron valve box; galvanized iron base plate. Handle galvanized malleable iron; operates composi- tion quick opening non-hammering supply valve and waste pan; fitted with I. P. con- nection ; painted white; trimmings N. P.; heavy oak seat and cover, Plate F-500 The ‘‘Seneca’’-—vit- ro-adamant lavatory, waste jar and supply pitcher. Lavatory is L/S es eae ne tegral back, bracket, and moulded soap dish: gi, , . ) N. P. chain stay, chain Hits: wu Plate F-500 and stopper; waste plug and tail piece; waste jar on concealed hanger. Cast brass loose key waste cock; key removed only when cock is closed. N. P. cast brass bulkhead supply pitcher ring. Oak toilet rack, large plate glass mirror, carafe, tumbler and china tooth brush vase; and brush shelf and towel bar. glass comb Mills Releasing Gear (Welin Marine type) Welin Electric Life Boat Winches Welin Non-Toppling Blocks Please mention Marine ReEvIEW when writing to Advertisers