MARINE REVIEW FREIGHT SERVICE Regular — Reliable The INTERNATIONAL MER- CANTILE MARINE LINES with their 118 steamers, many of the fast passenger type, can ren- der the shipper highly specialized freight service on account of the frequency and regularity of sail- ings from United States and Canadian ports to the United Kingdom and Continent. The same attention is given all ship- ments, large and small. ae : _AMERICAN LINE. WHITE STAR LINE 2222, RED STAR LINE LEYLAND LINE-ATLANTIC TRANSPORT WHITE STAR-DOMINION LINE InrecRNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE COMPANY A. C. Fetterolf, Freight Traffic Manager No. 1 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Rolled Steel ‘‘ NEVERSLIP”’ Floor Plates AMERICAN PRESSED STEEL CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. SHIP DECK MACHINERY We are building the “Built Right Run Right’’ line of Ship Deck Machinery. Our plant is the largest in the world devoted to deck equipment. Superior design and excellence of material and workmanship — together with interch an geable parts insure high grade equipment. = Facilities for quantity produc- tion make it pos- sible to make prompt shipment of standard ma- chines. — for print- d matter. ) THE HADFIELD-PENFIELD STEEL CO., Bucyrus, Ohio | Formerly American Clay Machines Co. Philadelphia Office, 516 Liberty Bldg. BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK CO. 124 Condor Street, EAST BOSTON, MASS. NEW YORK CITY CHICAGO 82 South Street 413 Fort Dearborn Bldg. Manufacturers of STAR BRAND BLOCKS Special Blocks of all styles for all kinds of heavy work STRONGEST BLOCKS MADE * SPECIALTIES * TACKLE BLOCK OUTFITS WOOD OR STEEL SHIPS AND ALL STYLES OF —MARINE WORK— DIAPHRAGM PUMPS | HN “ih o)) V April, 1923 DURABLE WIRE ROPE The Marline Served Rope For All Ships Purposes Especially adapted for CARGO WHIPS TOPPING LIFTS GUY TACKLES DURABLE WIRE ROPE COMPANY BOSTON, MASS. Cleveland Philadelphia Chicago New York Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. Builders of Sectional Water Tube Boilers for all types of vessels Providence, R.I. U.S. A. CATALOGUE FREE The Great Lakes Red Book 1923 Edition LIST of the vessels plying the Great . Lakes, giving the names of the owner, the captain, and the engineer of each boat. Contains a separate list of the ore carriers, showing the capacity of each, and a list of the supply houses, fuel docks, repair men, etc., at each port. It is the only vest pocket directory of the vessel trade of the Great Lakes and is indispensable to every man who is in any way connected with it. Actual Size 3" x 434" 190 Pages Price $1.00, Postpaid The Penton Publishing Co. Book Department Penton Bldg. Cleveland, O. 332 M Please mention Marine REVIEW when writing to Advertisers