MARINE REVIEW April, 1923 For Sale and Miscellaneous—Help and Positions Wanted For Sale and Miscellaneous Advertisements 10c per word—minimum advertisement—$3.00 Six words must be added for box address. To insure insertion, advertisements must reach us by the 10th of the month. Help Wanted Advertisements 6c per word—minimum advertisement—$3.00 Position Wanted Advertisements .« 4c per word—minimum advertisement—$1.00 Please have remittance accompany order. FOR SALE:—ALL KINDS OF FLOATING property. Also marine engines, boilers, etc. Rafailovich & Company, 26 Cortlandt Street, New York. FOR SALE:—NEW AND USED SCOTCH marine boilers 10’ diameter and larger, marine fire box boilers, marine engines, condensing and high pressure, steel and wooden, tug boats. Lighters. Cowles’ Shipyard Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PROPOSITION WANTED, FOR COAST- wise, inland, 1918, copper sheathed, Motor Tug ACID TEST, 64x17x6, 130 H.P. W5 Winton. Mast, power hoisting winch, freight, passenger carrier. Schlenker’s, 138th Street, Hudson River, New York City. FOR SALE:—NEW AND USED SCOTCH marine boilers 10’ diameter and larger, marine fire box boilers, marine engines, condensing and high pressure, steel and wooden, tug boats. Lighters. Cowles’ Shipyard Co:, Buffalo, N. Y. FOR SALE:—THE BARGE, THREE BROTHERS, rebuilt two years ago; will carry 700 tons. Too small for my business; would trade for larger barge and pay difference. Apply H. N. Jex, 1749 Summit st., Toledo, Ohio. FOR SALE:—STEAMER “LOUISE,” suitable for towing, freighting, fishing or passen- ger; 100 ft. long, 20 ft. beam, 20 x 20 high pressure engine, very fast. Hull and_machinery in first class cendition. Inquire Kolbe Fish €o., Erie, Pa. FOR SALE 7 Steam Fire Engines In Al shape that were used by the Detroit Fire Dept. or will sell the pumps which are all brass, and have a capacity of 750 to 1200 gal. per Minute. These pumps are vertical pumps and are Ideal for Fire pumps on board ship. BEATTIE MACHINERY CO. 1946 Baker St., Detroit, Mich. FOR SALE:—TWO “UNION GAS _ EN- GINE COMPANY’S” FOUR CYLINDER MARINE ENGINES, THREE HUNDRED- HORSEPOWER EACH ON BOARD STEAMER “GENERAL WILSON,” PEN- SACOLA, FLORIDA. RIGHT PRICE FOR QUICK SALE. PENSACOLA YACHT CLUB, BOX 1234, PENSACOLA, FLA. FOR SALE Powerful towing tug, newly rebuilt. Hull heavily sheathed with iron all around; steel deck house; steam steer; electric lights; quar- ters for double crew. 88 x 20 x 11. Boiler at 135° Ibs, engine, 20” x 22”. Dredging plant consisting of dipper dredge, two dump scows and steam tug. Low price for quick sale. Wooden steamer, 1900 tons d. wt. Canadian steel steamer, 2000 tons d. wt. Package freight steamer; 125 x 26 x 10’, CHICAGO STEAMBOAT EXCHANGE 350 North Clark St., Chicago. FOR SALE:—12” DIRECT CONNECTED Centrifugal Sand and Gravel Pump. In_ good condition, cheap. Address Box 343, MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland. SCOW FOR SALE:—SEALED BIDS FOR the purchase and removal of a flat decked scow, 35’ x 14’ x 3’ 6”, 14 tons displacement, good condition located in Bronx River at Palmer Ave., Bronxville, N. Y., will be received at the office of the Bronx Parkway Commission, Bronxville, N. Y. until 11:30 A. M. April 16, 1923, when the bids received will be publicly opened and read. _ Bid forms and conditions of sale upon application to the Commission at the above address. | Dredging Equipment We can sell at bargain prices a tug, two scows and some dredging machinery. For details communicate with H. R. Wilkin, Ast. P. O. Box 855, Wanted WANTED 1—25-40 H.P. Gasoline Motor for heavy duty in work boat. 1—Punch fitted with 25’ or 30’ Lyssholm table to handle Ships Plates up to 1”. Halifax Shipyards, Limited, Halifax, N. S. WANTED MARINE BOILER SUITABLE for harbor tug. Give particulars and price. Address Box 340, MARINE REVIEW, Cleve- land. WANTED TO PURCHASE A TUG. GIVE description and_ price. Address Box 339, MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland. é Positions Wanted CHIEF ENGINEER OPEN FOR POSI- tion. Experienced in marine repairs; 2 years superintendent of shops. Operated Curtis Tur- bines, Coen Oil systems. Howarth, 305 Pali- sade Ave., West Hoboken, N. J. Towing Wanted # WILL HAVE TUG ONE HUNDRED fifty feet long thousand horse power moving from New York via St. Lawrence River to Lake Michigan about April fifteenth. Would like tow for this tug part or all way. Address Box 341, MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland. Detroit, Mich. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers ‘