Ive used Vulcabeston Packings since Twas an oiler, almost thirty years ago at temperatures up to 1000 deg. F. And it al- " “T°VE used VutcasesTon on every job I’ve held—used it with super-heated steam, sat- urated steam, hot water, cold water, ammonia, air, gas, oil and alkali—on steam line joints, air lines, oil lines and gas lines; used it on valve bonnets, gas and oil engines, air compressors, ammonia compressors and hot and cold water pumps;used it cn pressures up to 1500 lbs.,and ways made good. “[’ve never found VutcaBEsTON to bake hard, crack, leak or blow out,and it turns out joints that are as easy to break as they are to make. “Tf there is one trick of this trade I want to pass along to the younger men it is—stick to VULCABESTON PAcKING and save trouble.” The Johns-Pratt Company | Sacre OES ASIA Na Hartford, Connecticut, U. S.A.