| oe American Brass Company embodies in Anaconda Copper and Brass Products the highest technical skill in manufacture, with an accumulated knowledge and experience of more than a cen- tury. These products include: Copper, Brass, Bronze and Nickel Silver in every variety of : Sheet, Wire, Rods, Tubes Condenser Tubes Ambrac Metal Copper Tubes Benedict Nickel : : (White Metal) Turbine Blading Electrical Wires Tobin Bronze— Welding Rods i Condenser Head Plates Vache Shuttiig Extruded Shapes i Pump Piston Rods Die Pressed Parts | A single organization is responsible for the whole process of | mining, smelting and manufacturing, thereby insuring the utmost | in quality at every stage of production from mine to consumer. ae | THE AMERICAN BRASS COMPANY General Offices: Waterbury, Conn. Offices and Agencies in Larger Cities Mills and‘ Factories: Ansonia, Conm, Waterbury, Conn., Torrington, Conn., -.. Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y., Buffalo, N. Y., Kenosha, Wis. — “In. Canada: Anaconda American Brass Limited, New Toronto, Ontario. The American Brass Company has just published a | booklet on Condenser Tubes. This booklet contains an } authoritative discussion on the subject which should be of interest to every Marine Engineer. It also includes recom- | mended specifications covering every point to be considered | in the selection of condenser tubes. For your convenience | we attach a coupon. | THE AMERICAN BRASS COMPANY {| Waterbury, Conn. Gentlemen: Pleave send me, without obligation, your booklet ““Anaconda Condenser Tubes—An Authoritative Discussion with Specifications.”