Latest Marine News in Pictures Electric driven ferry Poughkeepsie which has been giving excellent service on her steady passage back and forth across the Hudson river. She was one of the first ferries to be designed for electric 7" arige: ATT ey LE Mechanical methods of handling cargo, both package and bulk, to and from the ship are steadily gaining both in favor and in effi- ciency. Electric equipment aboard ship is advancing this economical development. Testing the new emergency steel dam at the Lake Washington locks, Seattle, which hold back the waters of Lake Union and Lake Washington from Puget Sound. The dam consists of only 32 parts. Below at right, operating bridge and underneath wicket girder bridge. At the right, this 16-ton wicket girder fits into cement girder at the bottom of the canal. Over these girders 24 steel gates fit in grooves to hold back the water. ME | Mam ||! | American relief ships, both from naval and merchant service, in harbor of Yokohama.. Barge on the Staffordshire and Worcestershire canal drawing current through a trolley and traveling along at a four-mile an hour pace. The experiment is being tested on a section of the canal and is reputed to be economically successful. 461