May, 1924 Advantages of Magnetic Winch Control . Maximum Tonnage. The opera- tor can give his entire attention to his load, the motor being controlled automatically to do the maximum work. Long Life. Under severe operating conditions, magnetic contactors have considerably longer life than any manual controller, the margin of advantage increasing as the duty becomes more severe. Easy to Operate. The master switch for handling control circuits can be of light construction and is easily operated. Easy to Maintain. Magnetic equipment requires practically no maintenance and can readily be understood by the electrician in charge of other electrical equipment on board. MARINE REVIEW Will Your Control hink for Itself? Who will operate your winches tomorrow? And will the same men operate them next week, and the next? If the personnel is changed, will your tonnage be maximum, and what will happen to your upkeep costs? G-E Magnetic Winch Control does not care who operates it. And it assures you maximum results. Because it thinks for itself. Just note the advantages in tonnage, life, opera- tion and maintenance. Then have G-E Marine Representatives apply Magnetic Control to your problems. General Electric Company Schenectady, N. Y. Sales Offices in all Large Cities 30-69 GENERAL ELECTRI Please mention Marine Review when writing to Advertisers 17