MARINE REVIEW May, 1924 The distress phone call _ LINDE not only answers the LIND call in an emergency, but also renders the day-to-day delivery service that enables the work- ers of a great city to reach their jobs every morning. District Sales Offices ATLANTA BALTIMORE BOSTON BUFFALO CHICAGO CLEVELAND DALLAS DETROIT KANSAS CITY LOS ANGELES MIL W AUKEE NEW ORLEANS NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH ST. LOUIS SALT LAKE CITY SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE _ Linde’s will to help in emer- gencies and in daily needs is backed by ability to helpin the form of 115 plants and ware- houses. THE LINDE AIR PRODUCTS COMPANY General Offices: Carbide & Carbon Building 30 East 42d Street, New York 38 PLANTS—77 WAREHOUSES YOU CAN DEPEND ON THE LINDE COMPANY 8 : i : Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers