38 MARINE REVIEW May, 1924 | MARINE DEPARTMENT | f O American Bridge Company FRICK BUILDING PITTSBURGH, PENNA. BUILDERS OF STEEL BARGES for RIVERS and HARBORS CAR-FLOATS THE HEATER WITH A REPUTATION A half century of suc- cessful service on the best ships that float. DIESEL O]L ENGINES —have the advantage of the estab- lished reliability and economy of the four-stroke cycle, air-fuel injection engine—plus— High efficiency— ease of operation— accessibility — low upkeep costs. a, a, a | These are the rea- sons why Marine ™@ Engineers always m specify Reilly Heaters “emeeeed for heating boiler “i feedwater aboard ship. Send for Bulletin 511 An improved design and construc- tion which sets a new standard of practical simplicity and accessibility. Built in vertical multi-cylinder units of 65 BHP to 500 BHP for electric or direct marine drive and as auxiliary air compressing or electric generating units on shipboard. THE LOMBARD GOVERNOR COMPANY Established 1894 Diesel Engines and Water Power Governors 660 MAIN STREET, ASHLAND, MASS. The Griscom-Russell Company 2121 West Street Building NEW YORK Please mention Marine Review when writing to Advertisers