, HAALUCHHN Mitt» ( (It { (MM aaa 32 WHERE TO BUY November, 1924 ttt (LOM a a : TORCHES, BURNERS, AND BRAZING WELDING AND CUTTING APPARATUS pene ste agen: OUTFITS (Acetylene, Blow, Oxy-Acetylene) AND SUPPLIES (Oxy-Acetylene Process) e ” s 160 Front St., New York City. Air Reduction Sales Co., : Oxweld Acetylene Co., 342 Madison Ave., New York City. Thompson & Orton St., : ¥ SOFAS ; Oxweld ee Co; nee . Long Island City, N. Y. i in URC; Thompson Ave. an rton St., ; a OT tation Ave., New York, N.Y. Long Island City, N. Y. WELDING & CUTTING GAS ‘SPUN OAKUM TORCHES AND BURNERS (Acetylene Blow —prest.O-Lite Co., : Stratford, George, Oakum Co., Oxyacetylene) 30 E. 42nd St., New York City. Jersey City, N. J. Oxweld Acetylene Co., Thompson Ave. and Orton St., STEAMSHIP LINES (Passenger and Freight) — Long Island City, N. Y. WELDING GLASSES Veit ei capes i New York City. Oxweld Cope diaee ye “oa & TORSION METERS one ioe Ebel city, N.Y STEEL BARGES Cummings Machine Works, 255 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. American Bridge Co., ; : WELDING RODS 71 Broadway, New York City. Oxweld Acetylene Co., ‘ TRANSMISSION (Rope)—See ROPE (Trans- Thompson Ave. and Orton St., STEEL FABRICATORS mission) Long Island City, N. Y. Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., ; York City. : Morse Dry Pe gale Co, : TUBES (Boiler, Stay, Yarrow) WHISTLES (Electric) Foot of 56th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Benson Electric Co., Superior, Wis. Johnson-Peter Co., 45th St., and Ist Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Keating, E. F., Co. STEERING ENGINES ae ae Water St. New York, City. WINCHES : ., Bath, Me. yler Tube ipe Co., Washington, Pa. Hyde Windlass Co _ Benson Electric Co., Superior, Wis. Bethlehem Shipbuilding Lai ere a AUGES TUBES (Condenser ethienem, <2. STEERING G ( } Hyde Windlass Co., Bath, Me. j Benson Electric Co., Superior, Wis. ' American Brass Co., Lidgerwood Mfg. Co., : 25 Broadway, New York City. E 96 Liberty St., New York City. Superior Iron Works, Superior, Wis. STEERING GEARS . sg oo. & Boat Corp., ; American Ship Builidng Co., TUBES (Seamless Steel) ! ernon Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland, O. ee di a eae, Johnson-Peter Co. seen Pee Pe diem, Be: 45th St. and ist Ave., Brooklyn, N. ¥. WINDLASSES pe euetiadal Song aces 3 a coe RIVETS oot oO . 54th St., Cleveland, O. pg eels RIVETS—See TURBINES (Electrical) Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp.,. Ltd., ; : Bethlehem, Pa. : feeneral ee tac ag Fe airs Ni Y. Carpenter, George B., & Co., 3 : estinghouse ctric g. Co., 436 N. Wells St., Chicago, Ill. SUPERHEATERS (Marine) , East Pittsburgh, Pa. Hyde Windlass Co., Bath, Me. ee Power Specialty Co., Superior Iron Works Co., Superior, Wis. 111 Broadway, New York City. The Sareea Co., E, 4gnd St., New York City. TURBINES (Marine) - Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd., Bethlehem, Pa. : SUPPLIES (Oxy-Acetylene Process) De ‘Laval Steam Turbine Co, Teuton NT. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. WIRE AND WIRING DEVICES Oxweld Acetylene Co., Thompson Ave. and Orton St., WIRE ROPE Long Island City, N. Y. TURBINES (Steam) : Durable Wire Rope Co 9. Cramp, Wm., & Sons Ship & Engine 3 Pearl St., Boston, Mass. Bldg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. SWITCHBOARDS Re ace So Co., ‘Trenton, Nias General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. edera ipbuilding Dry Doc Ong Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co; 26 Beaver St., New York City. WIRELESS SETS AND APPARATUS East Pittsburgh, Pa.. Sturtevant, B. F., ae ae e Federal Telegraph Co., TABLES yde Park, Boston, Mass. 812 Hobart Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Radio Corp. of America, : The Orsenigo Co., Inc., TWINE AND ROPE 66 Broad St., New York City. 381 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Columbian Rope Co., Auburn, N. Y. WOOD BORING MACHINES—See MA- TANK RIVETS—See RIVETS (Tank) CHINERY (Wood Boring Pneumatic) VALVES AND FITTINGS Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd. Bethlehem, reve ZINC BOILER PLATES TANKS (Welded Steel) Continental Iron Works, The,. West and Calyer Sts., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wel Jersey Zine Co. VENTILATING EQUIPMENT 160 Front St., New York City. i saa ceabaad die Sturtevant, B. F., Co.,° Inc., Chas. Cory & Son., Inc., Hyde Park, Boston, Mass. ZINC DUST 183 Varick St., New York City. New Jersey Zinc Co., TELEMOTORS WALKAWAY GRATINGS—See GRATINGS 160 Front St., New York City. (for Floors, Walkaways, etc.) Benson Electric Co., Superior, Wis. ZINC OXIDE (Dry) TELEPHONES & TELEGRAPHS (Ship) WATER PURIFICATION SYSTEMS New Jersey Zinc Co., 160 Front St., New York City. Chas. eae, Griscom-Russell Co., The mT aa Vilia GL New You Ci. 2121 West Street Bldg., New York City. ZINC OXIDE (Ground in Oil) TICKETS FOR EUROPE WELDERS (Electric Arc) Master dees Bales Co., Inc., International Mercantile Marine Co., Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., ‘New Jersey Zinc Co. Bia ew Xok oe 1 Broadway, New York City. East Pittsburgh, Pa. 160 Front St., New York City aah nc alas ea Reale as