44 5 5 A Almy Water Tube Boiler Co..........+-:: 39 American Bridge Co........:eeee eens eens 36 American Pressed Steel Co.........+. +++: 38 American Shipbuilding ‘Co..... Beas wha (Vee ey)! American Spiral Pipe Works ......-+-+..-- 35 Atlantic Works, The ......--:eeesseee eee 38 B Babcock & Wilcox Co. ..... cee eee eee ees 29 Benson: Blectric “Cov iin. Oe esa ee se ee 31 Bessemer Gas Engine Co.......-+--eeeee> 8 Bethlehem Shipbuilding ‘Corp., Ltd.....- aE Lgrcia si teas Iet@uatier wibanna To .Inside Back Cover Boland & Cornelius ........0-..eee eres 42 Boston & Lockport Block Co...... ee 36 Cc Carpenter, Geo. B., & Co.......-seeeeee 37 Columbian Bronze Corp. ....--seeeeeee 40 Columbian Rope Co. ....-s--seeseeeeee 16 Continental Iron Works, The...........-- 40 Cramp, Wm., & Sons Ship & Engine Build- RAD! CO oes auis Corrosion hare ere k nue Back Cover Crandall Engineering Co. ........-eeeeees 38 D Detroit Shipbuilding Co. ..............45- Gia7 Durable Wire Rope Cow. ve sees oe a ts 36 E Engberg’s Electric & Mechanical Works.. 37 F Mariey. edward) be Go.5 siete save ¢ sielawn 42 Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co.... 27 Meteral Telegtaph CO cnn: sce cee ba ce 29 Moster’ Marine Boiler: Corp. i.cs oeccc ne ' 40 MARINE REVIEW CN G Weneeal, Miectric C6. Alin ee es 145215 Great Lakes Engineering Works.......... 22 Griscom-Russell. Co., The... vate e ess 34 H Hooven, Owens, Rentschler Co... 50... 20 Pivde (Wandlass Go; 2 ia ON oie Back Cover af International Mercantile Marine Lines...... 42 TSRErWOGdy ihe oW : ciate ee Gre ems Giniale cue 33 K WWeatinie ei: hy CO. Sen ee ca eee eta 40 L deerwood Mic: CO sh shee stop yaks 35 Linde Air Products Co.....Inside Front Cover Tcombard: Governor Cos ii gat ocean § etnies ete 7 M Manitowoc Shipbuilding Corp. ............ 39 WNeaxitt 7 SUlenCer CO, .osiss sales cece cas ols We vie 33 Morse, Andrew Ji, & Son, Inc... 41 Morse Dry Dock & Repair Co........... 45 Mulholland Hatch-Fastener Co............ 41 N National Malleable & Steel Castings Co.... SO eae i es ge MA eS Ue MOREL oo PUTAS Aa Front Cover Wew Jerseys Zine CO can eck mets ecgateats eae 19 Oo Oldman-Magee Boiler Works, Inc........ 41 Oliver: Tron: @- Steel Corn. van oe ae 35 Orsenigo Co, Ine. .a0 ace a veces 9° Osborn: <6 lange lnc. vo. re eee 42 @xweld. Acetylene: (Conia reser eee 25 November, 1924 SiC : Ve TIUVTVUULUUALGLULUUUUURURERAUUUUOTOEAO Fill Patten, John S., Engineering Co., Inc.... 34 Phoenix Ice Machine Co.......... Sra ae 40 Post, Ey ec OC aioli ik eaew aiie ss eene es a) Power: specialty” (Coys 3.5 it Paice s oiees- 42 Prest-O: Fite JG, , cb B Ose ca cca sraleragiece srasnince acne Prindiville; johny 2&2 S0ns: ic6.6%". easiness - 42 R Radio ‘Corporation of America............ 46 Red Hand Compositions ‘Co., Inc........ 41 Ritchie; sh. 3S. Ge SONS isis ee che aia 41 s Sheriffs: Manutacturing Coe 3.80005 6 i186 ee we 39 Siggers & Siggers .......... esses e sees 42 SIGE: iictistries; Ine. 25 sore ee acne 13 Sperry...Gyroscope \CO. iis sen ewe e tee re 3 Stratford, .George, Oakum Co.) eicce eens 31 Sturtevant, Bs, Big BOOy yess os wee cote aes 46 Superiore iren: Works Co. ess ee. sae wines 41 Ak Tie WOUts Wor eae os oe ak ee ee 42 Todd: Shipyards: Gorp.. i. Vets ics aa ees 21 Toledo: Shipbuilding Core sea ee oe ccs 10 Trout iper Ges GO ec es ons beaten g 41 Tyler Dube: & “Pine Co. oe oo ek see 36 U United= Americans; tines 37. o ce cp hae es 42 V Vacutuns Ok Cone eer oe Ri 4 Ww Warren. Steam “Pump Co; 036.403.0450 .25. 34 Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. ...... 17 Wheeler, Hi: J;; Salvage Co. Inc... 4.:. 39 - White, Kelvin & Wilfrid ©., Co. .... 222% 40 Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp..11, 12