Generators— Specially Adapted to Marine Diesel Engines Engberg Generators have been used in marine work for more than thirty years by the leading Corporations and Naval Archi- tects, and have demonstrated by actual per- formance, that they are the most efficient and dependable Generators for direct con- nection to Diesel Engines. These machines have been specially de- signed and constructed to meet all actual service conditions in marine work, and are the result of continuous improvement. You are therefore assured of practical, absolutely guaranteed equipment, which combines every advantage of efficiency, long life, and dependability. It will pay you to specify and insist on Engberg Generators. All leading Diesel Engine Manufacturers have complete data and will gladly quote on Generating Sets. ENGBERG’S ELECTRIC & MECHANICAL WORKS 22 Vine Street, St. Joseph, Michigan, U. S. A. a Vint biel Ca AP Rt an i fun. oa; i JHE STANDARD FOR J “2 gz is Vertical, Enclosed ey Steam ENGINES & GENERATING SETS GENERATORS MOTORS SWITCHBOARDS Please mention Mariner Review when writing to Advertisers