One of the 250 KW Electric Drive Sets of The McDougall Terminal Warehouse Company’s “Twin Ports” and “Twin Cities” MARINE - PROGRESS DIESEL - ELECTRIC SECTION "Stil the Stusclina® DIESEL OJL ENGINES —set a new standard of accessibility, save weight and headroom, and are notable for their practical simplicity and convenience. The crank case is completely enclosed to re- tain and return for repeated use the lubricating oil of the pressure-stream circulating system. Yet — the whole front of the engine can be quickly opened up-— climbing into crank case is unnecessary. The cam shaft is mounted centrally on the cylinders to reduce the valve gear to simple rocker levers. Cylinder-and-head joint is elimin- ated to obtain unobstructed water circulation over cylinder top and around the valve ports. Yet—any piston can be withdrawn and with its connecting rod swung out through front of engine at great saving of time and without disturbing adjustments. THE LOMBARD GOVERNOR COMPANY Established 1894 Diesel Engines and Water Power Governors 660 MAIN STREET, ASHLAND, MASS. The Lombard design pleases Owner and Operator Please mention Marixe Review whe writing to Advertisers BE: WALLIS RE OBIE DIE tid OOD iii i es