480 : MARINE REVIEW December, 192 Designs Own Type of Diesel Engine —CYCLE SINGLE ACTING Record of Builder The Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., .a subsidiary of the Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa, is one of the largest ship constructing and engine building companies in the world. It operates a large number of ship build- ing and repairing plants on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and has had a thorough experience in build- ing vessels of all types, from the small- est types up to the largest passenger ships and superdreadnaughts. In _ its steel mills, as well as on its own fleet of ships, the company’s engineers have had unusual opportunities for study- ing steam, gas and oil engine design and operation. This fact was of great value in the design of its own oil engine which has been in successful operation both for hard steel mill serv- ice and in its ore carrier, the Cu- bore. At the present time, the com- pany is installing its engine in the tanker Lio, being converted from steam for the General Petroleum Co. This vessel will have the company’s large unit type, 6-cylinder oil engine and three Bethlehem-Trout type heavy oil engines. 4-CYLINDER BETHLEHEM-TROUT HEAVY OIL ENGINE 6-CYLINDER BETHLEHEM LARGE UNIT TYPE OIL ENGINE °: Distinctive Features This engine is of purely American design. It is built in units of 4, 6 and 8 cylinders running at a _ speed of from 116 revolutions per minute for land power and twin screw marine purposes down to 90 revolutions per minute for single screw marine use. On the Cubore, this engine func- tions down to 20 revolutions per min- ute. All parts of the engine subject to flame temperatures are especially designed to meet such service. The power cylinder is free to expand in all directions without setting up stresses in any working. part. All working parts exctpt the ‘piston are contained in a single, compact and readily re- movable cage. A simple device is fur- nished with the engine for removing the pistons from the bottom of the cylinders without disturbing any of the valve gear or piping on top of the engine. Type of Engine This engine is of the vertical, 2- stroke cycle, single acting type. The Bethlehem-Trout type is man- ufactured at the Moore plant. It is a 2-cycle, airless injection, port scaveng- ing type. It gives the Bethlehem com- pany a proved design of small and me- dium sized oil engine.