MARINE REVIEW —CYCLE DOUBLE ACTING Record of Builder The Worthington Pump & Machin- ery Corp., New York, has long held a front position among American man- ufacturing companies. It has had 24 years of internal combustion engine building experience, and a few months ago announced its development of a purely American design of double act- ing, 2-cycle diesel engine. It has built diesel engines since 1912, about 100,000 horsepower being in service. Distinctive Features Attention is given to heat stresses se that full advantage can be taken of the lessened weight and better bal- ance of working parts obtainable in a double acting engine. The cylinder ot the engine is like two single act- ing cylinders, opposed end for end. The scavenging and exhaust ports, cooling water circulation and expan- sion provisions are virtually indepen- dent. Three fuel spray valves are pro- vided, one on top of the upper end and two in the bottom head. One of the main points of the design is the method of working out the design of these valves so that uniform distribu- PISTON ROD, CROSSHEAD, CONNECTING ROD AND CRANK WITH OPERATING PLATFORM AT RIGHT REAR VIEW OF WORTHINGTON ENGINE tion of the charge is obtained around _the piston rod. The reversing mech- anism is of interest. Each of the three valves has its own cam, all three geared to the same shaft. Shifting the cams simultaneously through 34 de- grees on the shaft, reverses the run- ning direction. A single lever controls the operation.