MARINE REVIEW January, 1925 —— OF What is Linde Service? Its broad scope is shown by the following typical examples: 1. Product Service. Linde engineers discovered how to produce pure oxygen in volume and at low cost. They developed the Linde Type K cylinder which replaced clumsy containers of small capacity. This cylinder is now the accepted standard in the entire industry. Linde engineers also found why valves leaked and built one that wouldn't. 2.Distribution Service. Linde executives saw why one big central plant would not insure a supply and how a national chain of plants and warehouses would give eachuser a dependable and convenient supply with low freight cost. Linde transportation engineers saw the opportunity for truck delivery and planned a trucking service that is always on time. 3. Process Service. Linde service is built to serve the smallest user and the largest; with its aid the user solves problems ranging from repairing auto radiators to re- claiming huge castings, from joining small parts of airplanes to welding the joints in hundreds of miles of large diameter pipe, from shaping small plates to dis- mantling battleships. Linde Process Service is free to every Linde user for the asking. 4. Contact Service. Linde saw the need for dependable and responsible local men with authority, and built District Sales Offices such a national sales organization, with local offices ATLANTA ° BALTIMORE whose first duty is to serve the customer. LIRMINGHAM ‘ j ‘ e : ‘ BOSTON Linde service is the doing of everything which erin will make Linde oxygen of greater value to an oe Linde customers—but doing it under a definite DETROIT plan which provides the men and means to KANSAS CITY LOS ANGELES MIL W AUKEE NEW ORLEANS NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH ST. LOUIS SALT LAKE CITY SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE TULSA bring Linde help in close touch with your needs and problems on the ground. THE LINDE AIR PRODUCTS COMPANY General Offices: Carbide & Carbon Building 30 East 42d Street, New York 37 PLANTS — 80 WAREHOUSES LINDE OXYGEN YOU CAN DEPEND ON THE LINDE COMPANY Please mention MArinE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers ee