18 GOVERNOR ON MARINE REVIEW VICKERS I'YPE DIESEL ENGINE ON M. S. SCOTTISH MAIDEN 1 and 2. It is of course in these por- tions of the device that the ingenuity and especial value of the Ramsay governor lies, though the relay principle of trans- mitting power is of great importance in relieving the sensitive controlling mech- anism from any undue strain. The dis- tinctive features are: first, that it is capable of two impulses per revolution of the engine when it speeds up, admitting air to the cylinder for actuating the cut-off mechanism of the fuel pump; sec- ond, that it will act to reduce the fuel supply in advance of the speeding up of the engine when the ship pitches and before the propeller is out of water and by the same token restore the supply mnie i tiny = t AA TZ 1s ¢ Ue ge 1s '2YA\~ \tay £ nine 'givmay tl : } | before the wheel is fully immersed again. It is, therefore, particularly suitable for maintaining continuously the proper engine speed without sudden checking or re- lease. Concentrating on the first of these fea- tures, the weight shown in Fig. 2 is oscillated back and forth by means of springs actuated by a mechanism con- nected to some moving part of the en- gine or of any attached gear that re- ciprocates to the same time. When the ~smplitude of the oscillations of the weight sufficiently increase under the impulse of increased speed of the engine so that the lever arm of the weight comes into con- tact with both of the set screws S in January, 1925 turn, the rocker arm to which they are attached opens a valve and air will flow in the tube in which this valve is set. Thus each blow of the weighted lever will cause an air pressure to be set free in the tube in direct proportion to the speed. This air pressure is communicated to the power cylinder shown in Fig. 3 for actuating the cut-off mechanism of the fuel supply. The air first passes through a small spring controled pilot valve which allows a part of the actuating air to escape into the atmosphere, but in so do- ing this small valve is partly closed and the remainder of the air is applied to moving the piston of the power cylinder which in turn cuts off the fuel sup- ply. As soon as the fuel supply has been reduced sufficiently to maintain normal speed, the pilot valve returns un- der action of its spring to its original position, allowing the air in the cylinder to escape. The tension in the spring of the pilot valve can be regulated to suit, within limits, any desired travel of the pilot piston, which in turn will automati- cally control the stroke of the power cylinder. An emergency locking device connected to the weight level, shown in Fig. 2, shuts off the fuel supply when extra high speed of the engine, such as would occur on the loss of a propeller or a broken shaft, causes the weight to strike heavy blows on the set screws actuating the air supply valve. By means of this emergency device, the weight lever is locked constantly in the operating posi- tion, keeping the air valve open. The engine is thus stopped automatically, pre- venting possible serious damage. For all ordinary speed variations, though of N S iN: ag NT SO Pky WE Y TeeIe ST ney ES i Yi MMP aM Mhles = a ' E ia: it - Lis % FIG. 1—MOVEMENT OF BALL THROUGH PITCHING OF SHIP ANTICIPATES AND CONTROLS SPEEDING OF ENGINE. FIG. 2—HOW FUEL SUPPLY IS CONTROLLED. FIG. 3—-POWER CYLINDER FOR: ACTUATING CUT-OFF MECHANISM