January, 1925 NA KINE REV IEW 31 ISHERWOOD of Ship Construction greatly increases longitudinal strength, requires less weight of steel, provides additional dead- weight carrying capacity, reduces collision damages to a minimum, gives greater facilities for making damage repairs, enables you to build thirteen ships out of the weight of steel ordinarily required for twelve vessels, and each ship will carry 2 per cent more cargo! The Isherwood System has ee World records in rapid construction. If you are contemplating the construction I W. I SHERW : D of a new vessel it will pay you to get fully acquainted with the Isherwood System. 17 BATTERY PLACE, NEW YORK and 4 Lloyd’s Ave., London E. C. 3. We shall gladly send full details. 16—535' Passenger Liners for United States Ship- ping Board. Built by the New York Ship- building Corporation, Bethlehem Shipbuild- ing Corporation, Ltd., Newport News Ship- building and Dry Dock Company. LIDGERWOOD AUTOMATIC | r MOORING WINCH At the end of her most successful trial trip the HENRY FORD II At Last slowly drew up to the dock at i : 3 Lorain. Four mooring lines passed Mooring Difficulties to the dock and made fast: to A O bollards. Lidgerwood Automatic re Uvercome Tension Electric Mooring Winches put in operation, ship laid along- side in less than one minute. The ship still carried a slight headway. Each pair of winches, one paying out and the other winding in, easily checked headway and brought her to rest. About fifty guests watched each pair of winches. Marine guests expressed operation as wonderful, better than handwork. Officers from Atlantic Seaboard expressed the opinion that they would work equally well on ocean ships. Lidgerwood Mfg. Co., 96 Liberty Street, New York Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Detroit, Seattle, Tacoma, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Ore., Columbus, O. Sales Agents: Woodward, Wight & Co., Ltd., New Orleans Canadian Allis-Chalmers, Ltd., Toronto John D. Westbrook, Inc., Norfolk, Va. Foreign Offices: London, England Sao Paulo, Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Please mention Marine Review when writing to Advertisers