January, 1925 MARINE REVIEW 37 POWER Your Ship With a— DIESEL The Diesel Engine has been rapidly and extensively adopted by motor- ships because of its remarkable effi- ciency in producing power from heavy liquid fuel. The Diesel is built to cost less per day of service. In other words, they have the features that not only 2 CYCLE MARINE DIESELS assure a saving of fuel but also sizes up to 5,000 S. H. P. Per Engine greatest durability and trouble-free performance. Write for our latest catalog. 1t contains information which should be seriously considered for contemplated marine installations. Busch-Sulzer Bros.-Diesel Engine Co. St. Louis, Mo. 26 Years of American Diesel 2 Rector St.,. NEW YORK Rialto Bldg., SAN FRANCISCO Experience BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK CO. 124 Condor Street, EAST BOSTON, MASS. NEW YORK CITY CHICAGO 82 South Street 418 Fort Dearborn Bldg. Manufacturers of STAR BRAND BLOC KS @ Ps Engineering Specialties Special Blocks of all styles for all kinds of heavy work STRONGEST BLOCKS MADE ARAMA oF REFLEX WATER GAGES el Je SPECIALTIES yy WAV W es; 8 Used on all types of boilers by all “A I} TACKLE BLOCK OUTFITS 1 ae wm tm of SY othe Principal Navies of the World FOR i ‘\ ae WND ALL STYLES OF TTT in 8 & «6 “THEWATERSHOWS BLACK” —MARINE WORK— SELES mf Y ADVANTAGES: DIAPHRAGM PUMPS Quick and reliable observation of m 6} UC the water level. Safe, sure and m6) )6©&©=©6durable at high pressures. Not af- s } fected by cold air drafts. Most BLE WIRE ROPE s W # effective protection against injuries Ata 6) «© ~©to boilers and workmen. Easily ap- : eel | JA plied to all types of gage glass fittings. The Marline Served Rope ABMM, | when fled with, WATER the - a: 2 \ Hh eflex age always appears For All Ships Purposes = pM BLACK. When empty it instantly : eee «=6cshows WHITE. No mistake pos- Especially adapted for a! sible. This feature alone is worth GO WHIPS 3 W §&% many times the cost of the Reflex. a TOPPING LIFTS ‘ ne A ee catalog} of Water Gage GUY TACKLES MANUFACTURED BY THE DOR aE RE Ree COMPANY | | JERGUSON GAGE & VALVE CO. Chicago Cleveland Philadelphia New York WINTER HILL, SOMERVILLE, MASS. Please mention MarIneE REviEW when writing to Advertisers