10 MARINE REVIEW February, 1925 When your Rope Order reads | Columbian Tape-Marked | GuARANIE CO RORE | LEM BIAN ROPE CO. x1 i PEOLUMBIAN” TREE MAHKED ROME you are going to be entirely satisfied. Every Rope containing the red, white and blue Tape-Marker is a high grade product of the mammoth Columbian Mills, and one which they absolutely guarantee. Such a guarantee is the greatest assurance of dependable cord- age that rope users ever had. Backed by a manufacturer, with the reputation which the Columbian Rope Company enjoys, you have double assurance that when your order reads, “Columbian Tape- Marked Pure Manila Rope,” you are buying a real rope, built for real service. Write us for a copy of the folder “Proof.” You will enjoy read- ing an interesting story which is contained in it. ee eee ete eee Df m By Invitati Columbian Rope Company 332-90 Genesee Street Auburn, ‘‘The Cordage City’’ N. Y. Branches: New_York Chicago Boston New,Orleans Please ‘mention MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers