February, 1925 MARINE REVIEW 17 New Cory Products for Diesel Equipment A New Telegraph The Cory Hooter Telegraph Indicator is designed especially for Diesel engine vessels, and contains a Hooter that is un- mistakable and can be heard above noises of Diesel engines. This indicator can be used with present transmitters, and installations can be effected during turnaround of a vessel. Cory Pressure Alarm System The Cory Pressure Alarm Sys- tem developed for Diesel ships Hooter Telegraph and the Navy, is for use on pressure lines such as fuel oil, water, air supply, etc. Analarm will immediately be automati- cally sounded if the pressure falls below that which has been predetermined, thereby elimi- nating the necessity for con- stant attention. Write for further particulars concerning the new Cory Equipment for Diesel Engined Ships CHAS. CORY@ SONIxc. ya ieants Transmitter Pe rioye ty a rae 183 Varick Street Philadelphia 42.6516 Geo eh oss The Bourse San Francisco < 6s 4) 11 Mission Street The World’s Largest Manufacturers of New Orleans 9. 666s ss 826 Baronne Street Marine Signaling, Communicating Seattle se sites ete cee 515 Hoge Building and Lighting Equipment.’’ Piston 2. a. eis ak sess 110 High Street Please mention Martine Review when writing to Advertisers