February, 1925 MARINE REVEEBW 19 C aaa Ford Jpotor®E , PLACES . ANOTHER REPEAT ORDER hes steamers Oneida and Onondaga, of the Ford Motor Company, which operate between Detroit and South American ports, are each equipped with two Engberg Direct Connected Generating Sets. It is particularly significant to purchasers of generating equipment for new ships, or ships now in existence, in view ot the engineering talent which the Ford Motor Company has available, to know that this company has standardized on Engberg Generating Sets. It is of vital importance to know that the actual operating results have fully met all expectations and have proved entirely satisfactory. Specification and purchase of Engberg Generating Sets will positively guarantee this part of the work. Descriptive Catalog No. 105 sent on request. ENGBERG’S ELECTRIC & MECHANICAL WORKS 22 Vine Street, St. Joseph, Michigan, U. S. A. comerronasssnameertare ) pneeets THE STANDARD FOR & Vertical, Enclosed ‘eens Self-Oiling, Steam ENGINES & GENERATING SETS GENERATORS MOTORS SWITCHBOARDS g Please mention MARINE ReEvIEW when writing to Advertisers