Marine Review. Registered U. 8. Patent Office Published Monthly / $3.00 a Year Vol. 55, No. 2 FEBRUARY, 1925 35c a Copy pest NEWARK is the ideal shipping and manufacturing center of the East. It has the most advantageous location—within the limits of New York Harbor. It has the most extensive shipping facilities — seven trunk line railroads, a network of highways to every great city of the East, and regular steamer service to the Gulf and Pacific ports. Port Newark offers direct ratl-to-ship connec- tions, absolutely independent of lighterage, and over eight thousand feet of dock with a channel approach thirty feet deep at low tide. Ye LZ Warehouse or factory sites at this remarkable location are available on surprisingly reason- able terms. Write for the free book “Port Newark” that tells all about this wonderful development, and its surrounding territory. THOS. L. RAYMOND, Director Dep’t of Public Improvements Newark, N. J. Fas ¢ a vs | re ae > és shiligs 2+ 4 » a eae ite >. ane TT ae mE gos . ToS = Ss th x = grew 5 “res See ee = as nes =. % s * ———s 3 = ling es ee «*S: * ee miata 2 oe ee 2. a w rs - ~ws ~ ‘ Aa, Se SoS tm, > A 5 Tar mah ba oe ie, ~ ari eS on ry. Cee Be = aa ea Ase = ‘< Sh aff eS _ ea a “eS 2 Se <r t % “ = % s we “ Pn Z % a was 8 xa a ee bain my 3 oe heen ee <A ~ 2 = —— ee ed fl ne) Port Newark on Regular schedule for Gulf and Pacific Coast Ports. wit da te “id [ot at by ai y pag “9 eS: sy 14 oor hee fe ee ae 4 ay gm se Sg f —— |!! ft es a oz or i * a ~s $ ag | eee —a ge i * Hi} ¢ 3 PAE if f \ es 4! BY —_ aa; |) : : AAA Ni Transmarine Line steamers leave <a it | |