February, 1925 MARINE MOTORSHIP PINTHIS Single screw steel tanker, recommissioned July, 1924. Owners: New England Oil Refining Co. Work done by Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Co. Hull Engine NO eA hte ATS ae sy ARR SAVE Built by Pacific Diesel Engine Co. 1 Ectie bilan SAPP i ile ts arama 208 0 Name: Pacific Werkspoor. Mente attic Gin sessic ee ar scey as B52 56 Type: Four cycle single acting. Draft loaded) Hts in.s . Fs 15.3 No. of cylinders: Six. MGEOSSetOUN aCe. is icon scsi ws see iG Rn Biot Gp itis: force a eeay es etc nae 16% Deadweight tons... 2.6.56.: 1750 Strokes ounce ee ccececatens esas 23% ppeea Wn Knots oe ke ews 8% d ieee aan eee Se ever ena 670 BEEN SPs ater sat ate hes Sere SYP Rare ESM OS ane asae ce tytn eae 190 Auxiliaries: All, both deck and engine room steam drive. Average fuel consumption in tons per day at sea, 3.4, Average fuel consumption in tons per day in port, 2.5. Operated by C. D. Mallory & Co., Inc., in feeder service out of Fall River. The tanker motorship Pintuis is not intended for long ocean voyages but is used to carry the products of petroleum trom. the main depot or storage tanks in Fall River to all points accessible by water within a reasonable radius. It has been found that for this kind of special service the self-propelled tanker is superior in seaworthiness and speed to nonpowered barges moved by tug boats. With the fuel economies of diesel engine drive such a vessel will operate at less cost than barges towed by steam tugs. DIESEL ELECTRIC VESSEL, TWIN PORTS Twin screw-steel hull, refrigerated and general cargo carrier. Com- missioned Sept. and Oct., 1923. Built as diesel-electric freighter for At- lantic coast, barge canal and lakes. Owners, McDougall Terminal Ware- house Co. Built by Great Lakes Engineering Works. Hull Type: Four cycle single acting. fe” AC its ino sss eee. 0 No. of Cylinders: Six; 0 eee OP At is eae eee Bore, “in. ica ee ey meee ue edi tN ss oe es coe ae Stroke, in. Sein Vu aameree shea Draft loaded Tees Re eae ee acoaos scree eens oe CES ey ee rire er anna Re Na, Pe snes hs eae Giining coe I BAA ei ck ea Ore Ree Ps M. ceceeeee eres sees 260 Gross tonnage ....----++++++1460 Each engine direct connected to Deadweight tonnage, net one 250 k. w. 230 v. direct cur- anal 6 cigs eek eee Lo08 rent generator. Current de- RG Gea ee hss orce eae ne OU livered . pele Pecidie current i brozs 10 motors 0 } horsepower ana “pees ee : 230 v. each. Each motor direct Two for each vessel, built by connected to a propeller. Lombard Governor Co. Electrical equipment by Genera Name: Lombard diesel oil en- Electric Co. gine. Auxiliaries: All, both deck and engine room, Daas ene Average fuel consumption in tons per day at ew oi Average fuel consumption in tons per day in port, 0. o ae Operated by the Minnesota-Atlantic Transit _Co., oe . oes a river, barge canal, Great Lakes. Service, in pages oe ate tween West Indies and Miami. Sister ship—-Twin CITIES. REVIEW 45 DIESEL ELECTRIC TANKER J. H. SENIOR Single screw, steel hull, oil tanker. Built as diesel electric tanker, commissioned March, 1924. Owners, Standard Oil Co., of New Jersey. Built by Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co. Hull Bone Gina cae heehee I Oe Ady iy eines see one e038 Stroke savin ween PORN eee as EAB Rs hts itera ecto aenk Okan De gs SP aah aoa acco aie ware ee Beams tte ineeark atom. acceso 68) Bes: Hie: Pits sae aes aS OO Dratt. loaded). ite, ine.n we 3 2 0 Rr Pe My, : Pesce US) aioe Atle Bie sie cata thoutte-o LOU Gross: tonnage’: occ we Lo Each engine is direct connected Deadweight tons ..........1600 to one 185 k. w. 115 v. direct Speed in knots 7.3.3) sein ue Gee current generator. One direct Engines current motor of 450 H. P. 230 Two: McIntosh & Seymour. v. 100 R. P. M. is direct con- Type: Four cycle, nonreversible nected to propeller. Electrical Seed: equipment furnished by West- No. of cylinders, each engine: inghouse. Six. Auxiliaries: All, both deck and engine room, electric drive. Average fuel consumption in tons per day at sea, 3.15. Average fuel consumption in tons per day in port working cargo, Teo Average fuel consumption in tons per day in port laid up, 0.28. Operated by the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey in service out of Baltimore on Chesapeake bay and to Richmond and Washington on the James and Potomac rivers. The J. H. Senior has demonstrated that the electric drive gives utmost flexibility in operation. This is particularly important in running in narrow and restricted waters such as rivers. DIESEL ELECTRIC TUG P. R. 16 Single screw, steel hull, built as diesel electric tug commissioned August, 1924. Owners, Pennsylvania railroad. Built by the Staten Island Shipbuilding Co. Hull Bones the. svc oe pee ene ee oe LO A i Stroke, in. di aa be eee cic ke Besta: fj Wie 2 eee . 1 = uns taneen one esa Draft, fu ices uae dee ee ee Displacement in tons ......347 R. P.M. .eeseerseecee cece -260 Speed running free, in statute Each engine is direct connected miles 13-5 to a direct current generator of : Sie Speed towing with a pull of 235 k. w. at 250 v. Gener- 15,180 pounds stress on tow ators, operating in series, fur- line, in statutes miles, 6.36. nish current to a direct current motor of double armature type, Engines : f 575 H. P. at $00 v. and Two, built by Winton Engine 125 r. p.m. Electric equip- Works. ment furnished by Westinghouse Name: Winton Diesel Engine. Type: Four cycle, single acting. No. of cylinders: Six. Auxiliaries: All, both deck and engine room, electric drive. Average fuel consumption for eight hours service in gallons, about 215. : Operated around New York harbor by the Pennsylvania as a “float” tug, that is in assembling and towing car floats and barges from rail terminals to distant piers. Electric & Mfg. Co.