60 Ask Technical Groups to Aid Marine Standards Further to co-ordinate the work of the American Marine Standards com- mittee in its efforts to develop standards for the thousands of items entering into marine construction, engineering and operation, the executive committee has invited the active co-operation of a num- ber of technical organizations. These organizations, which include such bodies as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Society for Test- ing Materials, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, National Fire Pro- tection association, United States bu- reau of standards, and others, are re- strained by policy from membership in the American Marine Standards _com- mittee, Considerable progress has been made in the development of tentative stand- ards by the 38 subject committees, and MARINE REVIEW some 200 concerns in the marine field have been asked for comments on pro- posed standards for air port glass and dimensions, fixed lights, typical designs of bitts, open, closed, and roller chocks and mooring pipes, also hawse and chain pipes. Numerous indorsements and sug- gestions. as to these proposed standards have already been received at the divi- sion of simplified practice, department of commerce, Washington, which is co- operating with the American Marine Standards committee in efforts to make improved methods and practices avail- able to American shipping. Preparations are under way for the annual sessions of the committee which will be held Jan. 20 and 21 in the depart- ment of commerce at Washington. Bonaccord Oil & Shipping Co., New York, has changed its name to the Bon- accord Tank Steamer Corp. February, 1925 Learned Wood Ship Art Under McKay THOMAS J. KING, who began his shipbuilding career under the famous Donald McKay in Boston, died in De- troit recently while returning to his home in Seattle. In his apprenticeshi> days, Mr. King helped to build some of the wonderful wooden ships which made American maritime history. In 1868 he established a shipyard in Detroit. Eleven years later he came to the Pacific coast. For more than 20 years he was the head of King & Winge, well known shipbuild- ers of Seattle. During his long period of activity he was interested in the construction of more than 500 wooden vessels. He was 81 at the time of his death, and had spanned during his life both the peak and the lowest point of the American merchant marine. In later life due to his contact with Mc- Kay, he shared in his fame. iit =o eee How to Get a Government Job = A Sidelight on Shipping Board Methods of Appointing Executives—More Verbatim = Extracts from Sworn Testimony Showing How the People's Money Is Wasted = From the Proceedings of the House Committee there, the shipping board, itself, prior to my arrival, ap- = Sitting in Washington, March-June, 1924 pointed a representative, so that when I got over there, = William B. Bankhead, Congressman from Alabama— I was simply a subordinate. 2 What business were you engaged in before you went Mr, Bankhead—Who was he? = with the Shipping Board? Mr. Morse—Captain Toby. | Huntington T. Morse, Director for Europe for the Mr. Bankhead—What did he do? ° = Shipping Board—I was for two years: in the Navy, in Mr. Morse—He was formerly naval attache in London = charge of the operating department of the naval overseas and right-hand man, so far as supplies and accounts = transportation, in New York. were concerned, for Admiral Sims. = Mr. Bankhead—What was your experience before Mr. Bankhead—You were not the superior under the . that ? Shipping Board, then, when you first got over there, = Mr. Morse—I was with the Mallory Steamship Line, but were in the naval service? - and also with Spencer Trask, in New York. Mr. Morse—I was not when I got there, Sir. I = Mr. Bankhead—In what capacity were you employed was when I left, but he was appointed while I was at = with the Mallory Line? sea. = Mr. Morse—I started as a checker on the dock Mr. Bankhead—Had you had anything to’ do with = there. I ended up as superintendent of Pier 38, North traffic in your former experience, before you went = River, New York City. with the Navy? ; ‘ z Mr. Bankhead—You had never had any experience in Mr. Morse—None, except what I came in “contact = overseas commerce before you went to Europe? with the Mallory Line. I was not in the ‘traffic de- = Mr, Morse—None except what I gained in the Navy partment; my department was the operating depart- = and what little I came in contact with in the few vessel ment. 7 running transatlantic while I was with the Mallory Mr. Bankhead—That had nothing to do with the solici- = Line. tation of business or an executive manager ? = Mr. Bankhead—So you were never actually with the Mr. Morse—No, sir. = Shipping Board or the Emergency Fleet Corporation Mr. Bankhead—Do you know who recommended you = or on the pay roll until you were assigned to Europe? for this position which you now hold? _ = Mr. Morse—That is right. Mr. Morse—Yes, sir. = Mr, Bankhead—In what capacity were you when you Mr. Bankhead—Who? = went over there? Mr. Morse—Mr. Sheedy. 4 Mr. Morse—I went over there to become head of the Mr. Bankhead—Is Mr. Sheedy still in the service of = European organization. In the meantime somebody else the Government ? | = was appointed over there. I was head of the European Mr, Morse—Yes, he is vice president of the Flee: = organization when I left here. When I was on the way Corporation. MTT HUTT ns all